Q&A Episode: How to eat intuitively with Celiac, how to know you’re getting enough macronutrients, & how to stop stress eating?

How do you know you're getting enough protein, fat, fiber, carbs if you're not counting or tracking and just eating intuitively?

How do you eat intuitively when you have Celiac or another medical condition that requires that you restrict certain foods or food groups?

How do you stop overeating and stress eating?

Man, these are such great questions!

This week on the podcast I'm answering your questions in a Q& A episode.

You'll learn:

- What I recommend for making sure you're getting well balanced nutrition (it can be simpler than you think!)

- A mindset shift that will help you not feel restricted or like you're missing out if you need to avoid certain foods for health reasons

- The real reason for stress eating (and other emotional eating) and practical tips for how to cope with hard emotions in a healthy way

You can find this episode wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

If you enjoyed this episode, come let me know on Instagram!


2 questions to help you eat more intentionally


Blood sugar health best practices with Layne Vanlieshout