2 questions to help you eat more intentionally

What if eating could feel more INTENTIONAL?

As in, on purpose, your decision.

How often have you eaten something and you're like "you know... I didn't even want that" or "I knew I was full but I kept eating".

In today's podcast episode on the Redefining Health Podcast, I want to share with you 2 questions to ask yourself to become a more intentional eater.

And how to get to a place where every eating decision you make feels on purpose. Your decision.

Because, THIS is often one of the biggest goals my clients have with wanting to eat intuitively. They want PEACE with food. And this is how to have this peace. 

Becoming a more intentional eater will help you...

- No longer feel guilty for eating something. Everything you eat feels like a conscious and EMPOWERED decision.

- Feel more confident with eating in a balance, listening to your hunger and fullness cues

- Have peace with food... not overthinking what you ate, or what you're going to eat every day.

You can find this episode wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

If you enjoyed this episode, come let me know on Instagram!

PS: If you're like "yes! I so want to be an intentional eater... I'm tired of eating feeling like it's out of my control", this is exactly what we can work on together in coaching and I'd love to help you get to the place where eating feels intentional, on purpose. Where you can have the peace and confidence that comes from eating intentionally. Your first step is to book a free call with me. Click HERE to book a free consult.


Prioritizing Your Health in Busy Seasons


Q&A Episode: How to eat intuitively with Celiac, how to know you’re getting enough macronutrients, & how to stop stress eating?