The Purpose of Setting Goals

I used to set goals for myself with the purpose being hitting the goal.

And you may be thinking, Victoria… isn’t that purpose of setting a goal?

Yes and no.

So often in the health and wellness space I see people setting goals and only focusing on hitting the goal. Or not hitting the goal.

And feeling good only if they hit the goal. And bad about themselves if they don’t.

And when you approach goals with such a black and white mindset, you miss out on all the little wins, little steps forward, and progress along the way.

It’s not about hitting your goal. You don’t just arrive when you lose weight or improve your strength or run the 5K.

It’s about who you become as you’re working towards the goal. It’s about the little wins along the way. Those are what fuel you towards where you are wanting to be.

It’s about shifting your identity and becoming someone who does what she says she’s going to do. It’s about shifting your mindset to being someone who just is confident. It’s about becoming someone who is motivated and consistent. It’s about loving yourself, and deepening your relationship with yourself along the way.

Because you may hit your goal. Or not. And either adds to or takes away your value and worth right now.

So as your working towards your health goals… remember, it’s a journey. There is no destination. And celebrate the wins along the way. They are shaping who you’re becoming. And that’s the purpose of goals.

Enjoy podcasts? Find and listen to this episode of the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

If you’re tired of setting health goals and never reaching them, you’re still struggling to feel motivated to eat how you want and exercise, I can help you. Let’s set up your free consult HERE to get you started.


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