How to Be More Motivated

If you’re struggling to feel motivated, you’re not alone.

I hear this from so many of the women I speak to. This struggle to feel motivated.

I think sometimes we can get it in our minds that “I’m just not a motivated person” as if motivation is something some people have and other people just don’t have.

This isn’t true.

Someone who is motivated is simply more practiced at doing what they say they’re going to do. And this all boils down to self-trust.

But I do want to share with you a few things to take a look at if you aren’t feeling motivated. Because again, feeling motivated and doing what you say you’re going to do is available to you.

Go back to your “WHY”

If you’re trying to start exercising more consistently or you want to make more dinners at home but you aren’t clear on WHY you want to do these things, of course you’re going to struggle to feel motivated. Knowing your why is so important. It’s why you’re doing the thing in the first place.

So if you’re not feeling motivated, it’s possible that you’ve just gotten disconnected from your why. Go back to your why, study it, explore why doing this new thing and starting this new habit is even important to you in the first place.

Set yourself up for success

To feel motivated to start something new, you want to set yourself up for success. So often what I see is you’ll say you want to start doing something like exercising more and what you don’t do is set yourself up for success. How we do this is by answering all the potential questions that may come up. Whenever you start something new, whether it’s a new habit or a new routine, your brain is going to offer resistance because it loves to stay in it’s sweet little comfort zone. So what makes it easier for our brain to get out of that comfort zone is taking away all the mystery of what we’re doing. Answer all the potential questions that may come up and get super clear on what you’re doing.

To give an example, if you’re wanting to start exercising more, answer these questions…

1) What kind of exercise am I going to do?

2) How often am I going to do it?

3) When am I going to do it?

4) Where am I going to exercise… the gym, at home, at a park, etc.

5) What are all the potential obstacles that may come up that would keep me from exercising like I want to and what am I going to do about them?

Be kind to yourself

Another thing you need to make sure of as you work towards a new habit or new goal is to be kind to yourself. Be kind to yourself through the plan you create. For example, if you work 40 hours a week and have 3 kids and a husband, you may not want to commit to working out 7 days a week for 2 hours each day. Commit to a plan that is kind to yourself & your life.

Along those lines, too, remember that consistency doesn’t mean perfection. Another way I see women failing with their habits is expecting to be perfect at them and then when they miss a day or a few days they beat themselves up and throw out the new habit altogether. Be kind to yourself, knowing that you will get sick, you will have a busy season, you will have days where you don’t do the thing you wanted to do… AND THAT’S OK. Just get back to doing the thing when you can.

So you see, motivation isn’t something some people have and others don’t have. You can feel motivated to. It starts with returning back to your “why”, setting yourself up for success, and being kind to yourself.

You can do it!

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You know what to do… you know you want to change how you’re eating and exercise more. But you’re not feeling motivated to actually make the change. If this is you, I can help you. Book a free consult with me and we’ll explore why you’re not feeling motivated and I’ll help you take steps towards where you want to be with your health today. Book your free consult HERE.


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