New House, 36 weeks, + A Podcast Update

If I had to use just one word to describe life right now it would be "crazy". It seems that everything always happens at the same time over here in the Yates family. But surprisingly I feel so calm. I will be the first to admit that calm isn't always my first instinct during crazy times like this. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones along with prayer from our friends and family, but I'm so grateful for my state of mind right now in all that's going on.



So, we bought a house! We had casually been looking but didn't want to rush into anything (even though inside I was kinda anxious about having another baby in our tiny 2 bedroom rental). I was just casually checking Zillow most days and this one landed in our laps! And I'm so grateful because we have a room for our new baby girl as well as a space for guests... in the past all of our guests have slept in our living room on an air mattress. I'm already so excited for when family gets to come and see our new baby girl and actually have a space to sleep.I'm already envisioning both of our kids playing in our backyard and enjoying the playset that Graham got for his 1 year birthday from his Gigi (my mom) and splashing in a kiddy pool on hot summer days here.



I'm honestly so grateful for the energy surge I've had the last 2 weeks. I'm thinking it's the nesting instinct kicking in because energy has not been something I've experienced for the majority of this pregnancy. But I'm so grateful for what I have now because I don't think we would feel as settled in our new place without it.

I've been thinking about how this pregnancy has compared to my pregnancy with Graham and honestly, they've both been pretty similar. I'm so grateful that I've felt well in both pregnancies and didn't have really any morning sickness or sickness in general. With Graham I injured my tailbone and had some pelvic dysfunction that I started to work on after he was born but then got pregnant again and the wonderful hormone relaxin kicked in and a lot of what I had started to work on reversed again. I feel like I know how to manage the discomfort I've had this time around a lot better. I've been using kinesiology tape and actually taping my belly for support and that has made such a difference lately! Also, I've been regularly going to the chiropractor twice a week for adjustments and I can definitely tell that that's helped as well.

You all know that this pregnancy was quite a surprise and if I'm honest, I haven't been excited about it like I would like to be for a lot of this pregnancy. My excitement would come and go but, again, honestly, I struggle when I don't feel in control and this was so out of my plan for my life. But I can say with so much certainty now that I am genuinely excited to meet this baby girl and I get more excited by the day. I'm excited to labor for her. I'm excited to work to get her out into this world. I'm excited to see her sweet little face and kiss her head and hold her as she's all bundled up on my chest. I'm so excited to see Graham's reaction to her when he sees her for the first time. I think he's going to really love her!

I went in today for my 36-week appointment and little girl was soo active! I am due on April 6th but I feel like she may come early. I was 40 weeks, 3 days with Graham but who knows when this little one will make her appearance. I will say, I feel like my belly is as big now as it was when I gave birth to Graham and I've been having way more Braxton Hicks contractions with this pregnancy. Last week I was having 5 or so an hour for a couple of consecutive hours but then they went away. Again, we'll see! Let me know if you have any guesses on due date :) I can't wait to introduce her to you when she makes her appearance!


For those of you who listened to this week's episode, you know that Katherine, my amazing co-host since day 1, has made the empowered choice to step away from the podcast. That being said, the podcast isn't going anywhere and I'm so excited to still bring you new episodes every week.

One thing I'm specifically excited about is doing more teaching-style solo episodes, Q&A episodes, as well as new guests!Next week the "new" show will be airing. Can't wait for you to listen!  


Nutrition, Body Image, & Self-Care in Postpartum


EBP Episode 69: Katherine's Final Episode