Nutrition, Body Image, & Self-Care in Postpartum


Today on the podcast I had the amazing opportunity to talk with Jaren Soloff all about nutrition, body image, & self-care during the postpartum period for women. There are so many pressures on us, as women, after having a baby to “bounce back” or “get your body back”. And the reality is, our bodies just did something so amazing, creating and growing a baby, and they won’t ever be the same as they were.

Have you felt that pressure to have the same body you had before you had your baby?

Postpartum, like other times in our lives, is a time to love on and care for your body. To be gentle and compassionate towards. To give grace to.

I know for me, when I was newly postpartum it felt a little like I was living in a totally different body. It was still my body, but she had changed.

Compassion helped me to care for and respect her just as before and not feel like I had to rush to change anything about her. Trust helped me to know that she would get to where she was supposed to be as long as I'm caring for her and listening to her.

I know how challenging this time can be. That's why I'm so glad I got to have this conversation with Jaren on the podcast this week.

One of my favorite things Jaren shared that really stood out was how she talked about nutrition in postpartum. She referred to this time as a time to replenish energy. Because talking about calories can be triggering and also not always helpful, I love that she used the phrase "energy". I very vividly remember those first few weeks or so of breastfeeding my son and being so incredibly hungry all the time. It very much felt like I was working to feed and nourish my body to replenish it's energy.


Jaren also has a brand new cookbook she just released called the "Postnatal Cookbook" with more on nourishing yourself during postpartum as well as so many amazing recipes that not only taste delicious but feel so nourishing. I, personally, loved the lemon raspberry ricotta pancakes!

What questions do you have about nutrition, body image, self-care during postpartum?

Connect with Jaren:

IG: @fullcrcl_

Get the Postnatal Cookbook


Planning for Hunger


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