More isn’t always better

Have you ever had this happen?

You eat a cookie (insert something yummy), and you think “That was soo good! I want another!” So you eat another, and another, and another. And then you realize you’ve had 5 cookies and feel sick and wish you’d stopped at one or two.

A mindset I’ve seen with my clients when we first start working together is what I call the “more is better” mindset. It says, “If one was good… more is obviously better!”

But here’s the thing… more ISN’T better with food.

I was describing it to one of my clients recently that satisfaction works kinda like a bell curve. Satisfaction increases as you eat and get full, and then it reaches a point where you’re full and satisfied to the max… and eating more actually DECREASES the satisfaction of the food.

So where we have it in our minds with the “more is better” mindset that as we keep eating we’ll keep feel more and more satisfied… what actually happens is satisfaction decreases after the point when you’re full. This is where you finish that 5th cookie and find yourself thinking, “that wasn’t even that good… why did I eat that last cookie (or last 3 cookies)?

So here’s what I want you to try out and observe the next time you sit down to eat. Pay attention to how those first few bites taste. Notice how delicious they are. And then observe how as you get more full the taste of the actual food decreases… it stops tasting as good!

Being able to notice this point is so helpful in helping you stop when you’re full & satisfied instead of overeating.

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Intuitive Eating 101


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