Intuitive Eating 101

This week on the podcast we’re kicking off a new series on the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating.

But for this week, I want to do a little intro into intuitive eating if you’re new to it as well as give you a birds eye view of what it looks like to eat intuitively.

If you’re new to intuitive eating, it’s a framework created to help people get away from dieting & build trust with your body cues with eating with the end goal of improving overall health. It’s backed by over 150 studies at this point to be a much healthier and more sustainable approach compared to dieting.

Intuitive eating is based on 10 principles (which I’ll be covering in the upcoming episodes).

But at it’s core, intuitive eating is eating when you’re hungry, stopping when you’re full, eating foods that satisfy, & paying attention to how foods make you feel.

That’s it.

Intuitive eating, itself, is simple… it’s how you were created to eat.

It’s our brains and diet culture that make it hard.

Anyways, I’m excited to be going into the New Year starting this new series and really diving into each of the principles of intuitive eating a little more in- depth with you.

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Intuitive Eating Principle #1: Ditch Diet Mentality


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