How to Measure Your Health...Without a Scale

If you've gone your whole life thus far believing that you have to have a scale in your home to help you live that healthy life you're striving for...let me tell you, you're not alone! But the reality is, there are so many factors that go into your health. And your weight is far from the most relevant factor. So don't worry if you've based every decision about your health on your weight. You can change how you view your health right here and now! I want to share with you a few ways you can measure your health...without using a scale. 

If every day I woke up and weighed myself (been there, done that) and let the number on the scale dictate how healthy I felt that day, girl...we'd have issues!Every day, even throughout the day, your weight fluctuates. And sometimes it can fluctuate quite a bit!If you based how healthy you felt on the number that you saw when you weighed yourself each time, you may be kinda confused. "How is it that this morning I was 5 pounds lighter?"

Then, from that very moment when what you see on the scale leaves you feeling dissatisfied with your body, the rest of your decisions about how you eat and move are affected. Have you felt this? 

Don't let a simple number on the scale tell you how to feel about yourself!

 I remember waking up, weighing myself every morning, and then allowing that number on the scale to dictate how the rest of my day went. It was amazing that, just by seeing a certain number, how I even PHYSICALLY FELT was changed and my MOOD AND EMOTIONS were altered...either good or bad. How crazy was that!This went on for, gosh, 10 years at least! Until finally, I came to realize...I am not gaining ANYTHING by weighing myself. It doesn't make me feel healthier, it doesn't make me feel confident in my body, and left me putting my hope and all that I was in a simple number. A number that had no direct correlation with my health. This way of living couldn't be normal. I see this so often with women, and I'm sure you've seen it too. Women talking about their weight, losing weight, doing special "cleanses" or "detoxes" to try to get the number down. Praise is offered to the woman who loses "x" amount of weight. But we don't hear a lot of what goes on behind the scenes with these women.

They're most likely still dissatisfied with their bodies. Dieting and losing weight does not yield a positive body image.The weight that they lose is most likely temporary, only to be re-gained shortly after the diet, cleanse, or detox ends (we know that 95% of dieters gain weight back, and most gain even more weight than they were in the first place.)  

So, if weighing yourself on a scale isn't the answer to measuring good health, then what is?

 There's a couple of things that I'm sure you're already familiar with that correlate with good health.

  1. Eating a variety of mostly fresh, minimally processed foods.

  2. Moving regularly

  3. Resting

These are three simple things you can do to promote good health for your body. It's nothing complicated. It's nothing that involves spending a lot of money, and nothing that excludes any food from your diet, nor that demands specific workout regimens.

AKA...not a diet. Because diets don't work. And measuring your health by your weight is not accurate.

 So instead of weighing yourself, I want you to use another measure of health.Here it is...It's nothing super fancy, so be prepared. It's actually quite simple.

Use how you FEEL to measure your health.

It's as simple as that! How do you feel physically, mentally, spiritually?Using how you feel is a far more accurate depiction of your health than any number on the scale will ever give you!If you don't feel healthy, maybe you need to move more. Or maybe you could try adjusting how you eat. Maybe you need give your body rest....maybe you need to get rid of your scale.I

know, BIG & SCARY step! But, getting rid of your scale could possibly be the absolute best thing you do for your health! Remember, your weight does not depict your health!

Ok, I wanna hear from you! What makes you feel your healthiest?



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