California Breakfast Burritos

These breakfast burritos are near and dear to my heart. Wait, what? I know, sounds kinda weird. But each time I eat one of these burritos I'm taken back to that summer I spent in sunny San Diego, California working at a bakery and coffee shop on the beach and making this "recipe" for customers who came by on their way to the beach for the day. Yes, food does take us back to fond memories oftentimes. And this recipe is one of those for me. 

My the summer after my Sophomore year of college I spent those 8 weeks in San Diego, California. My days consisted of working at a bakery/coffee shop from about 6 AM 'till 2 PM, and the rest of the day was sunbathing and hanging out with friends I'd made there. I went with a Christian organization that made the trip every summer, and when I wasn't working, I spent time doing some mission work, but also enjoying the sights of the area.So this! It's so incredibly simple, yet so delicious! Talk about a basic that you can make easily for a breakfast, even pre-make it the night before. It also doubles as an equally yummy lunch or even dinner! Fun fact, I oftentimes love eggs more at lunch or dinner than I do at breakfast.The ingredients are simple, complete with a whole grain tortilla, high in protein and healthy fats from egg and avocado, and a boost of iron from a handful of spinach.

What literally makes this recipe is dolloping the greek yogurt (or sour cream) and salsa on each bite! Greek yogurt, believe it or not, tastes pretty much the same as sour cream and some people do better with greek yogurt. I prefer to keep the burrito basic and then adding on the salsa and greek yogurt as I go eating it because it's less messy and also is able to save better if you're preparing it ahead of time for lunch or the night before for breakfast. But, if you want to fill your burrito with the salsa and greek yogurt and wrap it up that way, you definitely can! It's all delicious!

California Breakfast Burritos

makes 1 (but easily make more!)

1 whole grain tortilla

1/4 cup mexican or sharp cheddar cheese

2 eggs

1/2 avocado

handful of spinach

Start by laying your tortilla out flat and topping with cheese. Microwave for 30 seconds to get cheese all nice and melty! Next scramble your eggs. Crack into a small bowl and whisk, then pour into a medium sized frying pan and cook on medium until just cooked. Now assemble your burrito. Top tortilla with eggs followed by spinach and sliced avocado. Fold up and top with salsa and greek yogurt (or sour cream).  

I know, basic right!? Like how is this even a recipe! Hope you enjoy, and let me know if you make your very own California Breakfast Burritos!


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