I Hired a Coach...Here's What I Learned

Last year I hired a coach. It was the first time I, also a coach, actually hired someone to be my coach. And it was the best decision, the best investment, I made for myself. I wanted to take a post to just share a little about my personal experience working with a coach, why it was the right time for me to invest in myself in this way, and what I got from the experience. Let me just start by saying I think everyone should work with a coach (at least once) at some point in their life! We aren't meant to do life alone, and sometimes we need someone outside of our friends and family to really be a source that pours into us for one area of our life or another.I hired my coach initially with the thought that she would help me with one part of my life, but turned out we dug into so many other things that came up along the way. So cool when that happens, right? I've found, in my own life, that often when I go into something with one idea of what I'm going to work on, I end up surprised at other things that surface. And guess what, it's never bad to get deeper with yourself and learn more about yourself. Yes, it can be painful at times. There were times in my own work recently and in my own work in the past where it was hard to realize parts of my life that needed work. There are still times where someone points something out to me that is hard to hear but that later I'm so grateful for because I never want to be stagnant with my own growth. 


Let me just say...what a luxury! To have a safe space to open up to someone and be pushed to think differently and from a new perspective was such a treat! To know that during our time together I could let someone pour into my life so that I could better pour into other people's lives!You see, sometimes we have these big, over-arching questions in our life that deep down we have the answer for, but it takes someone else to help us uncover that answer. Have you ever experienced this? This is one of the ways that working with a coach can be so powerful...as you speak each little thought that comes to your mind out loud you start to put together the answers, yourself, to your biggest questions. Things become clear. You realize what you need to do. And science proves time and time again that when trying to make changes, to make shifts in a person's mindset, it's best to have the answer come from within.That's what I experienced, myself, through working with a coach. There were a few specific places in my life where I felt stuck, where I tried to gain clarity on my own but didn't feel like I was moving in the way I wanted to move. One of the best things about coaching is that it creates a very intentional and set aside space and time for you to think, to process. And this may not be a time you would have made for yourself without hiring someone. That's what I found to be true for me. I needed a place to slow down and sit and be present, expressing my thoughts, my fears, my doubts, and places where I felt stuck and have someone on the other side speaking truth to me. 


I went into coaching with a few goals for myself and for my business (coaching women to be intuitive eaters). I noticed I, myself, had some big mental blocks that I knew in my heart were keeping me from being the person I believe I'm called to be. I had tried to get through these blocks and develop certain skills on my own through journaling (such a great tool!) and through trying out different things but just couldn't get to where I wanted to be on my own.This is where I knew the best decision I could make for myself and for my business would be to hire a coach. I instantly knew who I wanted to hire because I love her and have always had a connection with her and knew that she would be able to help me get to the place I wanted to be. Hiring my coach was an easy decision. It was a financial commitment that I was excited to invest in because I knew it would be an investment that would bring lasting results. And *spoiler alert* it did! 


Working with a coach starts by having a regular amount of time that you meet. This could be meeting every week, every other week, or as I did, once a quarter over the course of the year. So over the course of the year we "got together" via phone for 75 minutes. I LOVED that my coach and I talked on the phone. Actually, this is something that I began to implement with my own clients as opposed to coaching with video because I loved it so much. On the phone I felt I could concentrate more on what I was thinking and saying, what was processing within me, as opposed to when I've done video in the past and I find myself getting distracted from what's in the background of my screen as well as the other person's. It was also so nice to be able to just be present without worrying about what I looked like that day. I could come to our session in sweat pants or leggings and a baggy sweatshirt or choose to "dress up". The point is I felt it was so much easier to just be myself on the phone. I often found myself closing my eyes as I talked or as I listened to the wisdom given by my coach. I could just be!So for me, each session really started before I got on the phone with my coach. I, personally, felt that in order for me to get the most out of my time with her I needed to do some work aside from what we did person-to-person. I always took a few moments to jot down on a sticky note or in the notes app on my phone a few items that I wanted help with. Here are a few things I brought to our sessions...

  • Setting boundaries/finding a better work-life balance
  • Confidence
  • Finding a rhythm with work from home that feels good
  • Clarity 
  • Balancing compassion and "tough love"

As you can see, these are specific areas that I, personally, wanted to build strength in. And going into each session I felt I had a clear direction for what I wanted to talk about. This I know was helpful for my coach, but also was helpful for me to be able to, as I already said, have a clear direction for the things I needed help with.From there my coach worked as a sounding board as I discovered answers for my own desires for change. Have you ever experienced this? It's hard to describe if you haven't had this experience, yourself, but it's one of the most empowering things to be able to talk through and discover your own answers to your big questions! And that's why I love coaching so much, why I am a coach, and why I believe in being coached myself! I always love to encourage my clients to find the answers, themselves, because of this very thing...discovery for yourself is the most empowering thing! If you're like, "Heck yes! I want to work with a coach now too! I know that this place where I'm at right now is not where I want to be but I'm not quite sure how to get there...and I'd sure love to have you (me, Victoria) as my coach", let's set up your complimentary discovery call. Here's what your discovery call will look like...

  • 45 minutes for us to get to know each other a little and find out if we're a good fit
  • give you a chance to experience what coaching looks like and whether this is an investment you want to make for your future self!
  • begin to set the stage for this place in your life where you are pouring into yourself and your needs (so you can better care for yourself and those around you!)

You can schedule your discovery call HERE.If you're curious and don't know yet about the work I do with women to help them heal their relationship with food and their bodies, you can read more about my 6-month coaching program HERE.Can I just end by saying that hiring a coach was one of the best decisions that I made for myself (and for you, ultimately). I want to continue to be in a place of learning, myself, so that I can be better for you!So will I hire a coach again in the future? You better believe it!


"Day in the Life" of Intuitive Eating


My Morning Routine