My Morning Routine

Maybe this post should be called "My *Current* Morning Routine" because things shift around with different places in life and also because, to be honest, I'm not always the best at keeping a morning routine. But, that being said, I've noticed that a morning routine has made the world of difference in my mindset and mental health in general as well as have figured out a few things that have helped me make it a regular thing.Morning routines are kinda big lately, aren't they? But sometimes it can seem a bit intimidating like it has to be some crazy ritual of sorts.  But it doesn't have to be something that feels unreachable. It really can be very simple.Let me start by saying that a morning routine has been so wonderful for me, personally, with setting me up to have a good day. Of course, things can happen to make a day not wonderful. But I feel so much more equipped to be able to face whatever comes my way during the day when I've taken time to be still in the morning. This is what helps me stick to a morning routine (most) days. And this is what helps me get out of bed each morning even when I'm tired. It's thinking about the benefits of this routine, the energy it brings me, that helps me follow through...even when it's tough. Side note, but that's how we make changes and commit to other things in our lives, right?So, follow along with me as I go through my morning. But know that your morning routine may look different. You may not like anything about the way I go about my morning. I hope, though, that through this post you're inspired to figure out what works for you

5:00 AM- alarm goes off. I use my watch as my alarm since my phone charges overnight in our living room. This was the absolute BEST thing Paul and I did about a year ago. It's helped to have separation from my phone and a place of pure rest. It's also helped me not to look immediately at my phone and get sucked into the black hole of ya, Instagram. But gotta have some boundaries!I usually roll around and cuddle hubs for a few minutes before hopping out of bed.

5:10 AM- drink water, maybe throw in some lemon juice and/or ACV depending on how I'm feeling. Then it's time to make coffee. Since first being pregnant I started drinking homemade "lattes" in the morning using our Nespresso maker. I make one espresso cup and then heat up some 2% milk and pour it in with the espresso. I take my coffee to the couch, grab a blanket, light a candle, and invite Sadie to come up on the couch with me to snuggle while I read a devotional.


5:15 AM- I like to start my quiet time on the couch with just a few deep breaths. Just enough to "set up space" for what I need at the moment. Then I read a short, page-long devotional from New Morning Mercies (a lot of you have asked about this devotional I read on's the BEST!). At the end of every devotional, there's a passage from the bible that it gives as optional to read. I sometimes read this, sometimes I don't depending on how much time I have. After I read I like to spend a few moments either journaling or praying. I'm in need of a new journal, so lately it's just been sitting and praying out loud...currently looking at getting this journal, but I'm being picky and trying to find "the right" journal. It's a big decision that I'm totally acknowledging overthinking it. But you get me, right? The appearance and feel of the journal matters! This is also where I'll do a quick bullet-journal of things I want to accomplish for the day. *On days I teach at Barre3, this is a little cut short because I have to get dressed. But I still try to have some time to be still before I teach. On days I teach I'll head out at 5:40 and get back at around 7:15.

5:40 AM- On days that I don't teach at Barre3, I use this time early in the morning to do something creative or doing some planning. Most of the time that's either writing a blog post or an email or doing some business dreaming. Here, in these early hours before I start looking at my phone, is where I feel most productive and focused. Except as I'm writing this post...I got a surge of inspiration for this post in the afternoon on a rainy day. It just felt right to sit on the couch this afternoon and write to you :) !

6:30 AM- Make and eat breakfast. I make breakfast for both Paul and me. We try and eat together at the table and talk about what we have going on during the day.

7:30 AM- Help Paul get out of the house. Meaning, help him make sure lunch is packed and he has everything he needs.


7:45 AM- Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. I can't really start my day until I'm fully dressed...most days, that is. Something about showering, putting on makeup, wearing "regular" clothes, and quick blow-drying my hair that helps set me up for work. I'm currently loving such a simple makeup routine involving Beauty Counter's Dew Skin, Cream Blush in Caramel, their undereye concealer, brow pencil, and mascara. Sometimes I'll add a little lip gloss just cause!


8:30 AM- Settle in and start on work. I start with the things that I maybe aren't as excited about but that I know are important and then go from there. I like to end my days with things that help me stay creative such as listening to a podcast or music while I do some cooking or reading, so these first few hours more about getting certain tasks completed. In case you didn't notice, I'm more of a morning person, so come 4:00 PM I'm oftentimes just done. So I try to work with that. And that's it! That's my *tentative* morning routine. I've tried other things out but have found that this just works well for me and has made such a difference for me! I know things may change when Baby Yates comes. But for now I love this little routine!Do you have a morning routine? What does yours look like?


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