"Day in the Life" of Intuitive Eating

Good morning! Writing to you on this Wednesday morning and sharing a "Day in the Life" of intuitive eating because I strongly believe that me leading by example with how I eat intuitively is one of the best things for you! Can I tell you a little story before we start off? I remember the moment I started to challenge all of my prior beliefs about food. I was a Junior in College at the University of South Carolina, finishing up my nursing degree. I was living in a house just off campus with 5 of my closest girlfriends. It was literally the best part of college for me!Anyways, this particular memory was of a snowy day in January and all classes were canceled (because the South doesn't know how to deal with snow :) ). All 6 of us in the house were cuddled up on the couches in our living room binge-watching Grey's Anatomy. Literally from 10 AM until 10 PM, Grey's was showing. We'd take an occasional break to make popcorn and eat lunch, but that was our career for the day. It was the best!It was this day, though, that has a lasting place in my memory not only because of the fun we all were having and the bonding we experienced, but also because it was on this day that I started to feel "not right" with how I was living with my relationship with food. I didn't call it that, my relationship with food, at the time. But I started to notice the freedom that my roommates ate with and they seemed happier and not as anxious all the time and I realized that they weren't any less-healthy because of it. I started to want what they had.And the rest was history! Well, it took a lot of work still and it was years after this moment that I really felt at peace with food and my body. But this was a big moment for me and my health!I share this because I know first hand the importance of having people in your life who are eating "normally" and I want to be one of those people for you! I want you, with this and other intuitive eating posts, to be able to see what it really looks like to eat intuitively and little by little come to realize that it's not as scary as you thought...to let go of control and trust your body!Ok, let's talk food now :)So I woke up this morning, took a quick moment for quiet where I drank coffee, read a devotional and practice stillness, and then headed to the studio to teach a Barre3 class. Something I shared with my clients that maybe will bless you is this mantra... "I AM ENOUGH!". It's been going through my head all day and I believe there's a reason why. I know I need the reminder, and maybe you do too!After teaching I came home and Paul had made me breakfast. This morning it was toast (I love the sprouted toast from Trader Joe's) with crunchy peanut butter, sliced banana, and hemp seeds sprinkled on top. Here's a little *IE lesson: I had it in my mind I wanted some oatmeal this morning but when I got home from teaching Paul and lovingly made this for me...love him so much! In the past this would have been hard to eat because I had set it in my head I was having oatmeal. One of the amazing things about intuitive eating is that it lets you be more flexible with eating. Because gosh, how rude if I were to have said, "I don't want this, I want oatmeal." That would have crushed his spirits and also we would have wasted food!After breakfast I made a second cup of coffee...I only do 1 espresso cup from our Nespresso Maker in each cup, and then add some warmed milk. I say this because coffee is something I've had to cut down on since being pregnant, but honestly, I haven't wanted a lot. Most days I just do 1 espresso cup, but today I just wanted that warm second cup. Also, loving it with warm milk in the morning because it's kinda like an easier version of a latte. And I just can't stomach black coffee right now with being pregnant.With coffee in hand I set up work at my desk. Today was a bit of a busy day...I had a few moments to do some work before heading to my 25-week midwife appointment. Then had a phone call with someone scheduled, a podcast interview with my co-host Katherine Herbison and a guest (check out the show HERE or wherever you listen to podcasts to be able to listen to this episode when it airs...this particular guest was AMAZING!) Then I had another class to teach in the afternoon (side note, I'm officially slowing down with teaching Barre3 and dropping one of my classes which I'm feeling ready for! Body is saying it's time, so trying to honor that) and then a coffee date with a friend. It was a busy day and I just had a few moments between scheduled items to be able to get some work done. So started at my to-do list before heading out the door to my appointment. The midwife appointment went really well! I met a midwife I hadn't yet seen yet and really liked her! She measured my uterus which is growing right on track and then listened to baby's heartbeat which was all normal. I got home and scheduled a few appointments. I don't know about you, but scheduling appointments always feels like a hassle even though it isn't 99% of the time. I made a haircut appointment for this weekend and then an appointment with a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal women. I've been having some tailbone pain which started one day a few months ago after teaching a class and just hasn't resolved since. When you're pregnant your body sends out a hormone called "relaxin" which is a very fitting word because everything relaxes in your body. This helps your body grow to support a growing baby, but also makes things feel "loosey-goosey" which is probably how this tailbone issue came about. Anway, I've also never been to a chiropractor so I'm excited to give it a try! Stay tuned :)Lunch was some leftover soup I'd made on Sunday evening. This is probably my new favorite soup for the season! It's so warm and comforting and cozy...all the things soup should be! I'd be awful if I didn't share the recipe so here it is...recipe for Lemon Chicken Soup With Orzo After lunch I wasn't feeling as satisfied as I like to be to sit down and start work. Cookies sounded like the best thing for really "sealing the deal" on lunch. You know I'm a huge Trader Joe's fan and they still don't cease to amaze me with their latest Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookie mix! I made a batch of them over the weekend and they've been part of my day (at least once) every day since! I had two cookies and some Red Raspberry Leaf tea before getting ready for our podcast recording. The rest of the day flew by! I recorded the podcast episode with my co-host Katherine. Should I share with you who our guest was? Ok, why not! We interviewed Chelsea Gross of Nutrition with Chelsea and talked about all things body image when you're in a larger body, eating intuitively for your health, as well as deep conversation on worth and feeling "enough". This episode will air in a few weeks, so be sure to check in then!I taught another Barre3 class in the afternoon and then went to meet a friend for coffee to catch up. I've recently been trying to get back into the habit of scheduling in 1:1 coffee dates with friends to catch up and cultivate our friendship. I don't know about you, but friendships in adult-life take effort! And it's easy to let it slide, but friendships are so important!The evening ended with a quick Trader Joes dinner of their vegetable fried rice with an egg and some sriracha plus a couple more cookies. Guys, these cookies are too good! Had them with some milk for dunking because...how can you not? Alright, well that was my day! Hope you enjoyed!


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