How to Get Unstuck When Trying to Make Changes In Your Mindset

Have you ever had the desire, the "want to want" to do something, and felt yourself just continuing to get stuck? Changing our mindset and rewiring how we think is tough! Especially if it's been ingrained in us for years. It takes time and effort to change our mindset. So let's talk about that. Let's talk about how to get unstuck when trying to make those changes you want to make.

I remember when I was really struggling with my relationship with food constantly beating myself up for not "getting it" quick enough. There were these blocks I had in my way, but I had no idea how to get past them.

I felt stuck.

I thought, this is just how it'll always be.I had completely forgotten what trusting my body meant, what peace with food looked like. All I knew was this life I was presently living where food and weight gain were feared. And I couldn't get that mindset out of my head.Oftentimes, when we're in the moment of that unhealthy mindset, that's all that we know and so we can't even picture what living without that mindset would look like.So how do we get unstuck, then? How do we move past that one mindset and onto another, healthier mindset?

That is the million-dollar question.This work is very personal. It's not something you can just sit in on a course about and totally master, or even just read this blog post and have it click. This is something to practice. But I want to give you some guidance for how to make that process a little less scary. 

Be open to the concept of changing your mindset.

Sometimes just that openness to changing your mindset is what you need. We instantly close off any potential of moving forward with our mindset when we don't even let ourselves explore the concept of changing our mindset. It can be scary because this new mindset may feel like uncharted territory. Oftentimes it is uncharted, right? But, that doesn't make it bad. It just means we have to understand the why behind wanting this new mindset and let that be what drives us towards change.Don't let the fear of this new mindset keep you from exploring. Exploring a new mindset doesn't mean you have to commit. You're simply exploring. 

Get in the habit of regular introspection.

Yes. Talk to yourself. You don't have to do it out loud, but having conversations with yourself to get deeper into things like your "why" helps get you past those barriers that are keeping you stuck. I love what a client of mine said recently in one of our coaching calls... "Mindset is not linear even though sometimes I think it is." It's having conversation with yourself and practicing introspection where you make connections that you wouldn't be able to make and have realizations you wouldn't have necessarily had if you didn't take the time to chat with yourself.Some of my favorite ways to be introspective is through journaling while being cozy on the couch as well as when I'm out walking my dog. Wherever and however you find that you like practicing this, let yourself be curious with yourself and what it is that you may be keeping inside as the real answer for getting you unstuck. 

Find a friend to talk to.

Just like talking with ourselves can help us get unstuck, so does talking with someone else. Sometimes we need someone else's perspective to help us break free from whatever is holding us back from making mindset shifts. Find someone you trust and maybe even someone who's been at a place similar to where you're at right now and talk. Practice vulnerability with courage, knowing that when we're vulnerable we take away the power of this mindset we're trying to break free from. I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. 

Notice negative mindset "keywords" and replace with positive.

Negative mindsets often have some keywords that we keep telling ourselves and keep hearing inside our heads. Words like "should" and "can't" and "hate"."I should be going to the gym." - instantly makes you feel failure and shame."I can't eat that." - leads to deprivation thinking (which often leads to binging fyi)."I hate the way I look." - instills negative body image and prevents positive thinking.Try replacing these words with positive words or phrases. So for example, instead of "I should be going to the gym" try a curious mindset that asks, "What would happen if I went to the gym or stayed home? What do I anticipate that my body needs right now...movement or rest?"Go ahead and think about some common negative words or phrases you find yourself using and see if you can make that positive switch. Changing your mindset is not something that just happens. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes curiosity and a non-judgment approach. Be gentle on yourself. And be open to something new, whatever that is.What is that mindset or those actions that you "want to want" in your life, but find yourself getting stuck? What action do you think will help you break free from this mindset?


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