I'm Pregnant! + First Trimester Recap

Yep! It's true! Paul and I are expecting a little one this February! We are beyond excited to be adding to our family! And Sadie is excited to be a big sister! Actually, she's probably got no idea and it very well may be a rude awakening when baby comes and she's not the sole receiver of kisses and cuddles from us.

Paul and I found out, believe it or not, on Father's Day. We were driving back from a little weekend getaway with friends to Lake George, NY and I was a few days late for my period. I told Paul that it could be a possibility that we were pregnant, but also had been late in the past. I thought it could have been due to stress a few weeks before. But time would tell...I planned to take a pregnancy test as soon as I got home. I joked with Paul saying that he could find out he's going to be a dad on Father's day (that so happened to be the day we were driving home).

We got home and I grabbed a few bags and rushed up to our apartment and barely dropped the bags I was carrying to take a test. I watched as slowly one line appeared, and then another. POSITIVE. I had one more test...I had to be sure it was real! I was shaking inside, both with so much joy and so much fear. Sure enough another POSITIVE. It was real. But I still didn't believe it and proceeded to take another 4 tests over the course of the next 2 weeks, lol!

To be honest, I really struggled (& still struggle) with believing this is true. I've had a relatively easy, praise God, pregnancy so far of which I'm so grateful for. But, as crazy as this sounds, I found myself wishing for a little more morning sickness, a little more something to help me believe. Crazy how with something that's such a blessing we still doubt God's goodness with providing for us...at least I can. I'm currently trying to just be grateful, not worry, and enjoy every moment while being as present as possible.

First trimester symptoms were a little bit of nausea occasionally throughout the day but mainly in the evenings. Dinner was tough to eat. Vegetables made me want to gag so I ate them when I could and discovered ways that were more tolerable but didn't stress over it. Salads seemed to be better than cooked veggies. And veggies in something were better than veggies just on their own. Carbs and meat or other protein sources were the majority of my meals. I've come to a whole different level of what it means to trust your body... and sometimes that's going to mean it leads you to just eat what you can stomach to care for and nourish a growing baby as was the case for me.I DEFINITELY had some funky cravings and aversions! The craziest was one day when I was feeling a little nauseous and the only thing that sounded good was pickles. So I grabbed the pickles from the fridge. And what sounded even better was pickle juice. So, yes, I drank the pickle juice straight from the jar! Thankfully that was the only time I felt like cravings were so absurd that they took over my body. Then it was all things carbs (lotsa bread), fried foods, hot dogs in all forms (bratwurst, corndogs, and normal hotdogs). Lately noticing more cravings for sour foods like lemonade and sour gummy worms. It was weird because these were foods I typically didn't crave that often. But I let it happen and enjoyed it :) Now I feel I'm starting to eat more like my normal "non-pregnant" self, able to eat more veggies, and more well-rounded. Also coffee, which previously made me want to throw up, has been added back to my morning routine. We got a Nespresso maker (this is the one we got!) and I've been loving a shot of espresso with some steamed milk every morning.

Bump update is...I'm currently 17 weeks and it's finally starting to show! We were on vacation in Boston and Maine last week and had to buy my first pair of maternity jeans (on sale at H&M!) because that top button just won't button without me feeling super uncomfortable! I also just ordered a maternity band and button extender which will help. Any suggestions on budget maternity clothes would be very appreciated!I feel like I've always been someone who likes to learn about myself through different life stages. And this stage is no different. I'm feeling this crazy gratefulness for all that God's blessed me with so far...for my husband, this place with live right now, my job, the people in my life who support me and love on me, and for this little baby. I lay in bed each night and hold right where he or she is and say a little prayer for her health and her future. And as I was doing this last night, I felt a few little first kicks. More confirmation of this beautiful blessing.We have our second appointment today and the debate right now is whether to find out the gender (not for me...I want to find out...but for Paul...he wants to wait). We'll get to see our little one for the first time via ultrasound which I can only imagine will be the most amazing thing!

What do you think? Find out the gender early or should we wait until the birth? I'll keep you updated :)


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