Daily Eats + It's Been a While!

Hello! Good morning! I'm sitting at my desk this morning while Graham naps, sipping some decaf hazelnut coffee with hazelnut creamer (hazelnut overload?...maybe.), and writing to you! It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks and it honestly feels so good to just sit here, breathe, and get some words out there. Thanks for reading! I also wanted to share a "day of eats" like I like doing here. These are always to help you get a glimpse into what intuitive eating looks like in real life. I hope these are helpful to you! I know for me, when I was working on my relationship with food I found so much encouragement from seeing what it looks like to eat "normally"...as in not dieting, not counting calories. It gave me permission, in a way, to let myself figure out what normal eating looks like for me! Would love to hear from you if you like these posts :) . 


So, the day started with waking up at around 5:45. I've been trying to get up with enough time to drink coffee and have some time to myself to read my bible, journal, pray...just be still...before Graham wakes up. And to be honest, last week was amazing! I woke up at 5:30 on the dot and was able to have a good chunk of time to myself. But this week has been a little more challenging. I've been more tired, so more days than not I end up waking up to the "Graham alarm clock"...aka him crying at 6 or so. Then I'll nurse him and it's just crazy from then until he takes his first nap. But today it felt good to at least get a few sips of coffee before he woke up. I'll take what I can get!For breakfast, I was craving oatmeal. I made it a little different today just to change things up and added pumpkin & pumpkin pie spice to the typical oats, almond milk, chia seeds, salt, and maple syrup. I love when oatmeal is super thick and creamy so I hovered over the stove, stirring it and drinking coffee while Graham and Paul hung out in the living room. To top the oatmeal I added some cranberries, chopped apple, and almond butter. Sooo good and festive for this time of year! After breakfast, Paul left for work and I cleaned up the kitchen a bit. Then I decided to do a Barre3 online workout... my body really appreciates the intentional times where I stretch it and move, especially being pregnant and having a 10 month old at home who always likes to be held. I've been loving Barre3 online just as much during this pregnancy as I enjoyed taking classes last year. But I will say, I'm so glad I'm not teaching right now. My energy is definitely not the same as it was last year when I was pregnant. This workout was really challenging but in a good way. I definitely found myself modifying a lot and tuning into the ways my body wanted to move versus how it definitely did not. Side note...it just feels so good to be at a place where movement isn't just about burning calories!After working out, I got dressed. My father in law was coming up today to watch Graham while I went and got my hair cut and had some time to myself. He and my sister have been alternating coming up every week for a day and it has honestly been so good for me! Something I've found, as a mom, is that even when we don't really feel like we need a break, we still need a break. Having support here has been so wonderful...I'm really so grateful.My haircut was at 11. I started treating myself to a fancy haircut and some balayage color after Graham was born and, even though it's just twice a year, it feels like the most luxurious time! After my haircut, I planned to go out to a coffee shop and treat myself to lunch and coffee while I planned for 2021. The Type 3 Enneagram in me LOVES dates with myself like this where I can go and get excited about plans and a New Year. Today I went to a place here called Methodical Coffee because I knew they'd have lunch items and ordered myself their Potato Pave' which was a stack of sliced potatoes, gruyere, a fried egg, onion jam, and shaved kale. This so hit the spot! I also got a fun latte, their seasonal "Montecristo" which is made with a tea-based syrup and topped with orange oil and nutmeg. So fun!I stayed there for a few hours just enjoying myself. When I headed home, Graham's "pa-pa" left and we hung out. It's seriously the cutest thing when I've been gone for a while and then come back...Graham gets so excited! My heart melts seeing him. We made dinner "together" which was some vegetarian enchiladas filled with broccoli, sweet potato, bell pepper, onion, black beans and cheese. It reminded me that I should make enchiladas more often because they weren't super difficult but were so good! While they were cooking I was feeling hungry and even a little light-headed. So I had some water and a snack of cheese, apples, and crackers. I wasn't a huge fan of the cheese with apples even though I feel like I've done that before and liked it. So it ended up being cheese with crackers and some apple on the side.  After dinner, I was a little bit hungry still so I had something I made earlier in the week. I'm embarrassed... they were supposed to be "pumpkin bites" but I obviously didn't do a very good job following the recipe and they turned into pumpkin/cranberry muffin top/cookie type things. They're still good, though, even though they look a little wonkey. 


So, updates! Well, we found out we're having a baby girl a few weeks ago. Everything is moving along well and she's just kicking and moving so much these days!Being a mom has taught me so many things, but one thing stands out. I developed my eating disorder out of a fear of losing control and a desire to stay in control. And guess what... even though my relationship with food is wonderful and I feel so much freedom, I still struggle with this underlying sin issue of trying to be in control. I have a really hard time when things don't feel like they're in my control. And pregnancy is one of those times where so much is out of our control...which is really tough. But God's been teaching me a lot to trust in Him, to give up my worries and anxieties to Him, and that He's with me always. I really feel like I've been able to draw closer to Him during this time because of the total lack of control that I have.I've been reminded of this verse a lot lately..."If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" -Matthew 7:11I love Graham so, so much. It's a love I've never before experienced. I love my husband, of course. But this love for my baby boy is so different. I love his little sister, too, and of course, want what's best for her even though I've never seen her in person. But as much as I love my little ones and want to give them the whole world, God loves us so much more and wants even more for us. He wants our good.I'm reminded of this every time that I feel anxious about not being able to control the health and safety of my baby girl, or the people I love, in general. Maybe this encourages you too right now. 


I just welcomed in a few new girls into The Nourish Lab this week and I'm so excited to get to know each of them and serve and support them in this space. If you're not familiar, The Nourish Lab is my intuitive eating membership site I created to give women a space for support and encouragement as they're working on healing their relationship with food. Doors just closed if you're reading this right after I posted it, but if this sounds like something you'd like to be apart of be sure to check it out and join the waitlist to be first notified when it re-opens.  


My Word for 2021 + Encouragement for Becoming Who You Want to Be


Being The Person Who Can Eat Dessert Every Night