Being The Person Who Can Eat Dessert Every Night

I had this conversation with one of my 1:1 clients the other day and I thought it was just so good I wanted to share here with you! Something she said was so profound... "When I think about the person I want to be, I want to be a person who could eat dessert every night." We talked about what this means for her and what we discovered is that she wants to who that person is who eats dessert every night... carefree, kind, warm, easy-going, fun to be around.To her, it wasn't about the dessert. It was about being that person who experiences freedom with dessert.Wow. I just love hearing these amazing light-bulb and profound moments happen when I'm on a call with a client. And the cool thing is, she shared that it wasn't necessarily about actually eating the dessert every night. It was about it just not being an issue for her.YES! YES! YES!I am so incredibly passionate about you being able to experience true freedom with food because it just feels so good to not worry about how and what to eat all the time. But what gets me even more excited is all of the other magic that happens outside of food.Our relationship with food is, believe it or not, actually not about the food. There is a much deeper thing going on that results in how we view food, but when we dig a little bit we discover that there's something else going on.That's a big reason why diets don't work. Diets are like putting a bandaid on a deep cut. It may help for a little while, but there's something else that's going on and needs attention. Diets only prologue getting to that root that you're dealing with.Food, for me, wasn't about the food. It was about two words. Perfection & control.It was about trying to feel in control in a world that felt very out of my control. And though all of my food rules made me feel safe for a little while, they took me away from being able to be the person who I believe I'm made to be.They kept me from being able to be the person, as my client shared, who can eat dessert every night.What is this for you? Maybe it's not dessert but maybe it's something else. Who do you want to be? And who is that person like?Is she kind?Care-free?Adventurous?Easy-going?Fun? This month, I don't know about you, but I'm doing a lot of reflecting on this past year...which has been both the best and hardest year of my life... as well as looking at the person I want to become in 2021. So I want to encourage you to get real and honest with yourself here.What is keeping you from being your best self? The person you want to be?What scares you about stepping out in faith and moving towards being that person? It's ok to have fear. Fear is 100% normal. But we have a choice with fear... to let it control us or to move forward despite it.I'm over here cheering you on to eat the dessert... (or whatever else that is for you) :) PS: If you are looking for support with intuitive eating, come join us inside The Nourish Lab, my intuitive eating membership site


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