My Word for 2021 + Encouragement for Becoming Who You Want to Be

What a year. I know we're all saying it, thinking it. We're ready for fresh, new, different. Your life looks a lot different today than it did a year from now. I know mine does! With any start of a New Year, I love getting reflective on the past year and then dreaming about the year to come, thinking about the person I want to be this time next year. So, I thought I'd guide you through how to do the same! We are called to live big lives, and it's up to you to take the next step towards who that person is.It's a time I get so excited for. In an ideal scenario, I wake up a little early, pour some coffee, light a candle, pray, and start dreaming. I get out my journal and jot down reflections of the past year, asking myself questions like, "How have I grown?", "What's different about me?", "Where am I still lacking?".I think about people in my life who inspire me. I can think of two right now who are my greatest role models at the moment, people I want to spend more time with so I can be more like. I think about what it is about these people that attracts me to them. And what it is I want more of in my life based on what I see in them.This year has been a year of so much growth for me, personally. It's been a year of growing in my faith, in trust, in letting go of control (which is always something I strive towards). I had my first baby, our Graham, at the beginning of the year, and now am expecting a baby girl this year. I quit my job as a nurse to both stay home with our kids but also to have more time to pour into you and my business (something I've dreamed of and been waiting for for a while). We moved from one corner of the country to another, navigated making friends, and building a community here in the midst of a pandemic. There's not much to say except, what a year! 


Something I love doing each year is committing to a word for the year. Last year, my word was PRESENCE. I chose that word knowing that I would be starting a new chapter this year in my life and, maybe some part of me felt like it was going to be a crazy year and that I'd want to be present.This year, my word is ABUNDANCE. Something I've been working on for the last couple of months, myself, is being more content. I have found so much more joy with a heart of contentment and gratitude and it's something I want to continue into the New Year.When we live out of abundance, we are more kind, more loving, more giving & serving. We live with less worry and more freedom.Thinking about the word ABUNDANCE makes my heart instantly calm. And that's what I want more of this year.When choosing a word for the year, I think about things I've been working on inwardly, myself, as well as areas of my life that I want to grow in. I think about what the new year could be like, what challenges I might face, what new chapters I may embrace.If you chose a word for this year, I'd love to know what your word is!  


When you reflect back on the beginning of 2020, what do you see? How have you changed? How have you stayed the same?Now, think about the person you want to be.Who is she? What does she look like? What's important to her? How does she spend her time?These are just a few questions to ask yourself as you reflect on the past year.Now...does asking these questions give you any insight into who you want to become in the New Year?Where is the disconnect between who you are right now and who you want to be? The amazing thing about reflecting like this is it opens our eyes to all the potential. Potential to be more confident. To be more kind. To be more generous. To be more loving. 


I want to share with you a process to go through if you are excited about growth in 2021 (or whatever year it is that you're reading this). Grab your pen and paper and start journaling. 

  1. Reflect on the "you" of this past year. What areas have you grown in? What areas do you hope to grow in? What's important to you this year?
  2. Pick 1-3 personal development goals for yourself this year.
  3. What tools do you have right now to move towards the "you" you want to be this year & your goals? These can be anything from a supportive family, a gym membership, a planner, etc.
  4. What tools do you anticipate needing, that you don't yet have? Maybe these are tangible things or maybe it's something less tangible like support, knowledge. Where is the disconnect?
  5. What barriers do you have right now that prevent you from getting where you want to go/being who you want to be?

Going through these questions helps to illuminate how to move towards becoming who you want to be now with a fresh new year as well as any time of year!I'd love to hear... what's your word for the New Year? What goals do you have for yourself? I'm over here cheering you on! 


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