Daily Eats + Eating While Breastfeeding & Pregnant

I have never known hunger like that of when I was breastfeeding when my milk first came in. But now, oh...my...goodness! Pregnant + breastfeeding has brought about a new level of hunger! I'm so grateful that I have an appetite right now (I know that's not the case for everyone in their pregnancy) and the ability to honor my hunger right now.Guys, this week's been rough...not gonna lie! I've been just so incredibly exhausted all week. It's been a struggle. But today has felt soo much better, mainly due to a full night of sleep. Graham got his first tooth last weekend! Which is so awesome, but it's led to some sleepless nights for us over here. But last night we all got a full night of sleep. And the benefits were felt this morning!I've been on a Hummusapien kick this week. And I've been just craving new, fun recipes and meals. So I picked out a few that looked good and got everything to make them this week. One of those recipes was these Southwestern Breakfast Bowls. So good! They have black beans, a fried egg, hashbrowns, bell peppers & onions, and a spicy aioli. I also added some avocado we had on hand. So good!After breakfast, something I've been trying to get in the habit of...and that's been making such a difference in how I feel...is spending a few minutes right away to clean up from breakfast and pick up the house. This has been tough for me with a baby, but I definitely notice such a difference in how I feel on those days.It was kinda rainy and dreary all day today, and I originally was thinking I'd do a Barre3 online workout, but I was craving some outside time and Graham and I (and Sadie) have been loving going on walks around our neighborhood. I talked a little bit about what exercise has looked like for me lately in this post and how I determine what type of movement is best based on how I feel in my body on that specific day. But this morning a walk sounded good. Plus, it's kinda my time that I can pretty much ensure that Graham will either be calm and happy (I've found he gets bored staying inside all day...don't we all) or it gets him sleepy and ready for a nap. So even though it was rainy we headed out just for a short walk.We got back home and Graham had fallen asleep on the walk so I scooped him up and put him in his crib. He then slept for a good 2 hours (I even had to wake him up!), which was nice because I got to get some things done like preparing for our first live Q&A coaching call inside The Nourish Lab. Also made a honey latte for myself which added to the cozy vibes from this morning.When Graham woke up we played a little together, one of my favorite things. I made some lactation cookies which were a favorite when Graham was first born and I was craving them again, both the taste and the benefit to my milk supply. I've been trying to make sure I'm really good about eating enough and drinking enough right now to keep up my milk supply which I know can decrease due to all of the needs of your body during pregnancy. So I thought this may help.Then we made lunch. I had some tomato-red pepper soup plus a grilled cheese that I also added some more of that spicy aioli from breakfast. Don't you just love soup and a sandwich on a rainy day? I do. Also had one of the lactation cookies I'd just made. Sometimes lactation cookies, I've found, have a very signature taste from the brewer's yeast, but these hid it pretty well! 10/10!*Just a pause here...I'm currently writing this on the ground with Graham and he's all over the place. Thank goodness for spell check because otherwise, he may have added some words to this post!Ok, after lunch we played some more...I was trying to be strategic with putting him down for a nap and wait until just before I had a podcast episode recording for The Embracing Balance Podcast. Oh my goodness, I can't wait to share this episode we recorded with the founder of Joya, a brand that creates adaptogenic products! Stay tuned!After recording, Graham woke up and I wanted to make one of the recipes from Joya's website. They all look so good. I decided on the Superfood Chocolate truffles, but sadly had to switch out using their Cacao Elixir, "Bliss", for regular cocoa because I'm pregnant. But they were still so good! Also had some extra chocolate that I dipped bananas in and froze for another fun treat. I thought these would be a great addition to dinner.My brother and sister in law live one street over from us, and we love to do Friday dinners together. We used to do theme dinners and cocktails every Friday, but we'd fallen off a little. But tonight we decided on homemade pizza and my brother brought over his homemade beer (I had to skip on it, but I heard it was good). We made one pizza with pepperoni, onions, and bell peppers, and the other with tomato, eggplant, mushrooms, and arugula on pesto. Soo good! My brother also did something I'd never seen and cooked garlic really slow and it got really crispy and we put that on top after the pizza was cooked. YUMMMM! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot to take a picture of our pizzas...hunger took over! LOL. But these are the chocolate truffles I made. The filling is almond butter, honey, cinnamon, and coconut flour and then I just dipped in chocolate. Also, so good!So yeah, eating while pregnant and still breastfeeding has been interesting. I've had a crazy appetite and thirsty all the time! It's been pretty challenging to drink enough water to really not feel thirsty...what helps you drink more water? But let me just say, I'm so glad I'm not at the place I was a few years ago where I was scared to be full, strict with following serving sizes (btw, these are just suggestions), and not honoring my hunger when it didn't make sense. For me, lately, hunger doesn't always make sense. I could have a slower day and be ravenous, and most days I'm just super munchy all day long.Well, hope you enjoyed another "daily eats" post. I'll be sure to have pictures for everything next time! :) 


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