Apple Picking + A Cozy Apple Pie Recipe

Anyone else go apple picking this weekend? I feel like this was the weekend to go after talking to some other people who went as well. The weather didn't feel totally like fall, but we all still wore our flannels...because that's what you're supposed to do, right?This was only my second time going apple picking. Paul and I went last year with some friends up in New York and it was so fun, I knew we had to go again this year. Plus, it was so cute seeing Graham all excited and loving being able to gnaw on apples the whole time.We went with my brother and sister-in-law and sister up to an apple orchard about an hour north of us called Grandad's Apples. Thankfully it wasn't too crowded...there are a few other orchards that are more popular up here and I knew they'd be packed! It was set up on a hill with mountains seen in the distance. You walked up and right there were all the rows of apple trees, a corn maze, a pond where kids could fire apples from an apple cannon (yes, you read that right), and a barn with the bakery inside. Right away I noticed a crazy line coming out of the bakery...of course that was the line for the apple cider donuts, which we didn't get to have this trip. All the more reason to take another trip in a couple of weeks!We tried a few of the varieties they had ready to pick and unanimously loved the Mutsu apples...a kind I hadn't ever heard about before. They were sweet and just a little tart but not bitter, perfect for eating and baking! Graham LOVED gnawing on the apples...he couldn't make much progress with actually eating it with his one and a half teeth (he currently has one tooth fully erupted and another that just made it's appearance). But it was seriously the cutest thing!After having our fill of apples and picking enough to top off our bags, we headed out for lunch. We stopped at a delicious barbeque place on the way back called Hubba Hubba Smokehouse. It was around 3 o'clock before we got our food so, as you can probably imagine, we were starving! I had a pork sandwich with a side of coleslaw...the warm pork and cool slaw just sounded like the best combo...and then shared some sweet tea with Paul. I usually don't love sweet tea, but this hit the spot...and maybe now I can say I do like sweet tea!After filling our bellies and just feeling that feeling food gives!...we headed back home to do something with our apples.Make apple pie!Do you have any fun traditions with food? Growing up we didn't have a whole lot of traditions, things we did as a family every year. So creating traditions is something I try to be mindful about. So I thought, what a fun thing to start...go apple picking and then come home and make apple pie with our fresh apples! I had to go to the store to get some pie crust (maybe next year I'll make the crust homemade) and also pick up some Vanilla ice cream, a must-have with apple pie for me.My brother came over to help and we had such a great time baking together, listening to music, and just being together.We combined a couple of recipes to create, what I think, is the perfect apple pie recipe! If you like apple pie that has a lot of spices, you'll love this recipe!           Cozy Apple PieIngredients:3 lbs of apples (peeled & sliced)--this was about 8 apples for us3/4 cup granulated sugar2 Tbs corn starch1 Tbs lemon juice + 1 Tbs lemon zest1/4 tsp cinnamon1/4 tsp allspice1/4 tsp nutmeg1/4 tsp ginger1 package pre-made pie crusts (should have two crusts)1 egg1 tsp watersugar for the topDirections:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel and cut apples, place in a large bowl and cover with sugar. Allow to sit for about 5-10 minutes to allow apple juices to be drawn out. Transfer apples to a colander and let juices pour out.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice on apples and mix in lemon zest.
  3. Mix together spices and pour on top of apples along with cornstarch. Mix until coated.
  4. Prepare pie dish with one of the pie crusts; roll dough out onto center of pie crust and press so it is flat against the bottom and sides of dish.
  5. Pour apples into pie dish on pie crust.
  6. Top with second dough and pinch sides of dough together. Cut a couple of holes into the top of the dough to create vents.
  7. Create an egg wash by mixing egg and water and then brushing on top of pie crust. Sprinkle sugar on top to give it a sparkle.
  8. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until top crust is golden.
  9. Allow pie to cool (as long as you can) before slicing and serving.



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