What Exercise Looks Like For Me Right Now

Exercise is looking a lot different for me right now so I thought we could talk about it. I know, in the past I wouldn't have probably even counted what moving my body right now looks like as "exercise", but since then my view of exercise and what "counts" has changed drastically.My favorite way to move my body right now...walking.In case you missed it, I just announced that I'm pregnant with baby #2 and energy-wise, walking has been all that I really feel up to doing most days. I try and do a Barre3 online class once or twice a week for strength training and core stability, which I'm really trying to keep up with being still so close to being pregnant with Graham. But yeah, walking plus carrying and playing with a 7-month-old baby has been more than enough exercise for where I'm at right now.Why do I share this?I know I used to think walking "didn't count" as enough exercise. I remember feeling really tired in my body but still going for a run because I felt guilty for walking.The amazing thing about practicing being intuitive with your body is you learn to pay attention to #1 how it feels and then #2 extrapolate that knowledge to have a better understanding of what type of movement would best suit your energy and needs right now. So much of what you learn with becoming an intuitive eater translates to an intuitive relationship with movement.Just like with intuitive eating you're learning to see all foods as on an even playing field, with no foods labeled as "good" or "bad", the same goes for exercise. Exercise is exercise. All of it is beneficial, whether it's stretching and just taking deep breaths or doing a 60-minute cross-fit class. All are beneficial to our physical fitness.I recently heard a definition of fitness from one of our guests on The Embracing Balance Podcast with Kasey Shuler (if you haven't checked it out, it's sooo good!) where she gave this definition of fitness... "Fitness is teaching your body to breathe under stress." Wow, right!? I had to think about that for a second, but then it hit me...Yes! Every activity we do that teaches our body to breathe under stress is exercise! And just thinking about this greater purpose, learning to breathe. It's not about burning calories or getting a certain body. Exercise teaches us to breathe.What does this new definition do for you? Does it change anything in you?I know it does for me!For me, this mindset gives me more flexibility in how I approach exercise. I always like to say you want to work with your body, not against it. And we can do that with exercise by working with our energy, the place we're at in our lives, & how our bodies feel.I know I like some structure when it comes to exercise and I really believe we were created to crave structure to an extent. But I also know that too much structure takes away from me being able to listen to my body and, again, work with it. The same goes for food... when we have too much structure like with a meal plan or a diet, we lose the ability and opportunity to trust ourselves.So, I thought it might be helpful to share some things that cross my mind as I'm contemplating how to move my body. Maybe these will help you, as well! How does my body feel physically?What's my energy level like?Is there a particular form of movement my body is craving right now?  There are times where I wake up super energized (to be honest, that's not very often in this season I'm in) and with those days, a long run sounds so good! And then there are other days where I wake up and don't feel energized and even just the thought of running already makes me feel more stressed and exhausted. Those are the days where a walk sounds much better...and this is most days for me right now.The important thing is to give yourself and your body grace. Give yourself permission to maybe not do what you had planned and do something that aligns more with your body. By giving yourself grace, you're opening up the door to the option to trust your body and to find movement that best suits your body in this moment.I know, in the past, I was so afraid of losing momentum with exercise. I was afraid that skipping a day would lead to a week and then a month...maybe you've had this same fear or even experienced this for yourself.But what I've often found is that we get out of a cycle of movement when our expectations don't align with our bodies and our lives in the current moment. We put pressure on ourselves to wake up every morning at 5 AM for a HIIT workout during a season where life is just more stressful. And then when we "fail" and sleep in one day, we feel guilty and feel like we've already failed so there's no point in starting again.But again, what if your movement was guided by this idea of working with your body? In a time where life is crazy, maybe the absolute best form of movement for you is a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood, listening to an encouraging podcast or music.I also want to say, I know how discouraging it can be to be injured or have a disability that prevents you from moving the way you want to move. And if this is you, I have so much compassion. But I want to encourage you to go back to that definition of fitness...learning to breathe under stress. Is there a way that you, still, can practice with this mindset?Like I mentioned, right now my season calls for more gentle movement and movement that I know will strengthen my body for what's to come (carrying a baby inside and on my hip :) ). And maybe some day in the future I'll enjoy a more intense workout. I'm sure that day will come. But I'm so grateful for the peace and permission to approach exercise and movement with a mindset of grace.I know these are not easy mental shifts to take, but I hope this gives you some encouragement to find movement that works with your body and your season. Movement is so good for not only our physical selves, but also our emotional and spiritual selves. And we open up doors to all of it's benefits when we find ways to bring more joy into the process of breath through fitness.What are your thoughts? What movement are you loving lately? Is there a movment that you may be craving right now?


Daily Eats + Eating While Breastfeeding & Pregnant


Baby Yates #2 Coming in April!