"True to You": 6 Weeks Diving Deep Into Knowledge About Caring for Your True Self


Hey friend! If you are on my email list or you follow me on social media, you saw that I just announced my first ever course to help you grow and get deeper in knowledge about you and your body.

In the work I do with my 1:1 clients, I've noticed some themes of things that we as women struggle with. Tell me if you can relate with this... Lack of confidence in being able to trust your body after feeling like it's failed you and can't be trusted.Focusing more on what other people think rather than what you believe and know is true.Spending precious time trying so hard to be someone you feel other people expect you to be.Feeling captive to perfection, never feeling satisfied with who you are.Pushing down emotions to try and portray yourself as strong and in control...when that's far from how you feel.

I know what it's like...living feeling so far from your real self but yet not sure how to get back to you, to what feels like your center. I've been there. I ache with you going through these things because for years I was all these things...zero real confidence in myself, though on the outside I did a really good job of looking confident, always mirroring other people and what I thought they expected of me without giving myself room to be myself and figure out who I was, feeling bound to an ideal of perfection that was unachievable and left me feeling unworthy, and never allowing myself to feel for fear of coming across as weak.I dreamed up and now created this course not because I have it all together. By no means! I'm so far from perfect. Yet, I do feel by grace I've been able to find a peace that I never thought possible, to live more aligned with who I am meant to be...who I am called to be! And I want this for you!I want you to live CONFIDENTLY!

I want you to find FREEDOM from perfection!

I want you to tune into your INTUITION in food, movement, life!

I want you to know what it is to have a CARING relationship with your body & yourself!

I want you to live in the most loving, authentic way possible! 

You know what's crazy...when I first started in this work, I thought that I'd be walking through all of the 10 principles of intuitive eating with people one-by-one. But getting into what people really need...they don't NEED someone telling them to eat this, don't eat that. Exercise "x" number of days. Get sleep. What people need...what YOU NEED is to learn and develop the skills to tune inward for yourself! I love the saying...YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST EXPERT ON YOUR OWN BODY! It's true! And learning how to harness this ability is so powerful!In order to live out this expertise, it often takes some tearing down of things that keep you from tuning into and living true to you. So tearing down perfection to always be perfect; pride in that you don't need to consider a different way of thinking; guilt for ever messing up...we all mess up. And then it's time to practice turning inward, practicing the skill of listening to your body, and aligning with YOU!

There is nothing selfish about working on yourself! Let's get that out in the open. You are your most beautiful self to the world when you are confident and know how to care for yourself. Again, not selfish.So take a deep sigh of relief wherever you're at. You are in a safe place to get into the muddy space of wanting change but yet not knowing what that looks like. Of feeling all the things...excited, nervous, ready, scared! Wherever you are at, you are welcome in this space!

Ok, so I wanted to share an overview of what this course will be like and get a little more into what we'll be covering...We will start on July 1st and for the 6 weeks following you will get a weekly coaching video sent straight to your inbox. Think of it as a little coaching session with me each week! I'll be available via email to help you work through anything that you feel is sticky as well as support you along your individual journey.You'll also receive an audio file if you're more of an on-the-go type learner. That's me too, so I got you!

Lastly, you'll have the opportunity to schedule a 75 minute 1:1 coaching session with me...mainly because I love one-on-one and I know that it's nice to talk through what you're discovering. So if you're ready to......recognize what makes you feel most like your authentic self...build resilience for those things that pull you away from living according to your values...listen to your intuition as a way of tuning into your true self...embody and live out your most confident self...practice body respect for better wellbeing...break free from perfectionism and embracing all things that make you your most beautiful and unique self.

I invite you to join me and the other women going through all the things you are, growing in confidence and in their true selves, right alongside you! What's holding you back!?If you're ready to join, head on over to THIS PAGE and go ahead and sign up!If you are still unsure if this would be right for you, let's talk about it! Schedule a free discovery session to talk about joining. I can't wait to grow with you!


Intuitive Eating in Real Life + Talk on Intuitive Eating Not Being Anti-Health


Why Intuitive Eating is Tough, But Worth It!