Satisfaction… the KEY to Intuitive Eating

Hey there!

Do you think about satisfaction when you’re eating?

When you are thinking about what to eat?

Satisfaction is the KEY to intuitive eating.

It’s literally the “cherry on top”… I mean, what is a sundae without a cherry?

Satisfaction influences every other principle of intuitive eating.

The reason I say that satisfaction is the key to intuitive eating is that when you think about finding satisfaction with every eating experience, eating intuitively is easy and makes sense. The satisfaction factor influences every other principle of intuitive eating.

When you eat for satisfaction, you’re not going to want to go on another diet.

When you eat for satisfaction, you’re going to want to honor your hunger & your fullness.

When you eat for satisfaction, you’re not going to let policing thoughts rule your experience with food.

When you eat for satisfaction, you’re going to respect your body.

When you eat for satisfaction, you’re going to want to incorporate gentle nutrition.

It connects every other principle. It all comes back to satisfaction.

Let’s use the analogy of an ice cream sundae…

On the bottom we have a foundation of ditching diet culture, making peace with food, respecting your body, challenging the food police.

Next, we put a few scoops of honoring your hunger and feeling your fullness. Maybe some joyful movement and gentle nutrition.

And on top, tying everything together, satisfaction.

Learning from Japanese culture about satisfaction and food.

Satisfaction is the lost ingredient in food in our culture today.

I love what Evelyn Tribole writes in the book, “Intuitive Eating”. She talks about how in Japanese culture they actually have satisfaction as a goal of theirs with healthy living. She shares, “In our fury to be thin and healthy, we often overlook one of the most basic gifts of existence—the pleasure and satisfaction that can be found in the eating experience. When you eat what you really want, in an environment that is inviting, the pleasure you derive will be a powerful force in helping you feel satisfied and content. By providing this experience for yourself, you will find that it takes much less food to decide you’ve had “enough.”

Pretty powerful, right!?

When you consider satisfaction with eating, not only is eating more enjoyable but you need LESS to be able to push away from the table and go about the rest of your day.

What I have seen with clients is this belief that if they let themselves actually enjoy food and eat foods that they enjoy that they’ll just eat and eat and eat. But the opposite is true when you give yourself permission, without guilt.

What makes foods satisfying?

So, what makes food satisfying?

There are a few factors that influence satisfaction with food.

1. The food is eaten without guilt or shame.

2. The food is something that sounds good/ what you’re craving.

3. You eat an appropriate amount (not too much, not too little).

4. The food is eaten mindfully.

5. The food is eaten in an enjoyable environment.

So, if you’re looking to work on adding more satisfaction to your relationship with food, consider these 5 factors. And enjoy!

Want this in podcast form? Check out the Redefining Health Podcast and listen to the episode on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

Happy listening, my friend!

Need support with intuitive eating? There’s never a better time than now. Reach out and schedule your free call with me HERE.


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