5 Tips for Eating Intuitively During the Holidays

It’s November. Can you believe it?

And that means the holidays are upon us, friends.

I’m choosing to go into the holiday season with a mindset of ease, fun, peace, lightness. What about you?

Today, I want to share with you 5 tips for eating intuitively during the holidays.

Let’s start with thinking about what eating has been like for you in the past? Maybe pick 3 words to describe how you’ve felt around food in the past.

What words come to mind for you?




No plan or purpose (that’s a few words).

Ok, now how do you want to feel around food?


At ease.




This place is possible for you, friend!

The reason food feels stressful around the holidays is very simple.

It’s this… It’s stressful because you are already deciding to go on a diet in January.

The reason food feels stressful around the holidays is that you’re already planning to go on a diet.

When you already have it in your mind that you’re going to go on a diet in January, in your mind you have a “free pass” to over-indulge on all the things. They call this “last supper eating” in the intuitive eating book. You think, “This is the last time I’m going to allow myself to eat cookies (or ice cream, or pie, or french fries, or cheese… you name it for you) so I might as well just go for it.

And so what happens?

You eat, feel guilty, gain weight, and feel like the only solution is to diet in January.

I’m here to tell you that there’s another option.

You can enjoy all of the foods during the holidays and not skimp on anything you don’t actually want to and still feel like you’re not taking a million steps backward in your health.

So, with that, here are 5 tips for eating intuitively during the holidays…

1. Consider nutrition and movement as usual.

Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean you can’t consider nourishing & moving your body as usual. Plan for meals that nourish your body physically. Move your body in a way that brings you joy.

2. Don’t let yourself get too hungry.

When you get too hungry, it’s really difficult to eat mindfully. So, especially on days of holidays (like Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day), eat breakfast, maybe eat a light lunch depending on when the big meal is… don’t skip meals to “hold out” for the big meal. Let yourself eat. When you keep your hunger fed and don’t let it get too crazy, you’ll be able to sit down to the bigger meals and go to holiday parties feeling like you can think clearly around the food.

3. Eat foods that you *ACTUALLY enjoy.

Satisfaction is key when it comes to eating intuitively around the holidays (and always). Have you ever found yourself eating something at a party and later wondering why you were even eating it in the first place because you didn’t really like it to begin with? Eat foods that you actually enjoy. And enjoy them to the max! And foods you don’t enjoy… let them stay on the table. There’s no rule that says that you have to eat everything or that you can’t only eat the foods that you really enjoy.

4. Practice presence & mindfulness.

Practice presence, not just with your food, but with the people around you. Holidays are all about eating with people. Friends. Family. Food is a way for us to gather with people. So, focus on your surroundings. Engage in conversations and really be all there with those you’re with.

And with eating, notice the flavor and texture and all the things with your food. Notice how you feel while eating it. Seek out how to enjoy food to the greatest level while being mindful.

5. Decide TODAY that a diet in January is out of the picture.

As I mentioned earlier, even the thought of going on a diet in January can sabotage your intuitive eating attempts during the holidays. Decide TODAY that you aren’t going to start another diet. With this declaration your body will relax and you’ll feel calm around food.

Feeling calm and empowered around food during the holidays is in your future! I believe in you.

Want this in podcast form? Check out the Redefining Health Podcast and listen to the episode on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

Happy Holidays my friend!

Need support with intuitive eating? There’s never a better time than now. Reach out and schedule your free call with me HERE.


Satisfaction… the KEY to Intuitive Eating


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