Is Perfect Intuitive Eating Possible?

Is there such thing as perfect intuitive eating? It's so easy to fall into this place of trying to be perfect in all that we do...including how we eat. That's what makes dieting so exciting, right? There's the opportunity to do something perfectly and succeed and feel better about ourselves. So is intuitive eating any different? Is it possible to be perfect with intuitive eating? I'm addressing this question today, so let's dive in!

I have a confession to make. I'm not a perfect intuitive eater. Just last night I over-ate on pizza (one of my faves) and woke up feeling like I was in a carb coma. Another confession. For a brief moment I felt bad about it. There, I said it. Not only am I not a perfect intuitive eater, but I'm also not perfect and being nonjudgemental towards myself.At first I thought to myself, gosh, how can I be this advocate for positive body image and a healthy relationship with food when I, myself, still struggle sometimes with wanting to be "perfect" in how I eat?

Eating intuitively is not something we finally achieve.

Perfection. We go way back. But our relationship is a tricky one. I spent many years striving for perfection...and, as I just said, still do sometimes. But I can honestly say that those lies I hear in my head, though present, are so much quieter and don't linger like they used to. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone in your frustration. If there's one thing that I always try to remember the women I work with, it's that learning to eat intuitively (or re-learning rather), is a process. It's not something we achieve nor is it something we can fail at. It's an ever changing and learning opportunity.

Imperfect creatures in an imperfect world.

But you see, we're all human here. And perfection is something that just feels good. But, as good as it feels, isn't possible for us. We are imperfect creatures in an imperfect world. That doesn't stop our desire to try to be perfect, though. There's that rush that comes with perfection, and for some reason we can easily believe that our "perfect streak" will keep up, but 10/10 times it doesn't. I can say that confidently. Miley Cyrus had it right when she sang "Nobody's Perfect"...but still, this desire for perfection just gets us all messed up!

So back to our question. We know that dieting and restricting calories isn't possible as a method for sustainable health, but what about intuitive eating? Is it possible to be a perfect intuitive eater?This is a question that comes up a lot. Not always outright, but in that so many women get frustrated because they feel like they're failing with "intuitive eating". Maybe they're overeating one day or eating foods that they didn't really enjoy another day. But when you look at intuitive eating as something you can pass or fail, you're keeping those same principles associated with dieting and adding them to intuitive eating. You're still living with diet mentality. And intuitive eating is not dieting.

Ultimately, you can't be a "perfect" intuitive eater.

Because intuitive eating is all about listening to your body's natural cues with how you eat and having peace with all foods. Some days you may overeat past fullness, and sometimes you may eat just because there's food in front of you...and that's ok!So, instead of striving with intuitive eating, try this. Choose to be curious with your eating. Always be a student of how you eat, why you eat what you do, and your thoughts around what you eat. Let every opportunity be one in which you learn more about who you are, as you are. This change of mindset makes all the difference because it takes the focus off of "achieving" and places it on "growing".And give yourself grace. You are allowed to "fail", to be "imperfect" and still be a healthy and confident woman who doesn't let her imperfections define her, but shines through them. 


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