Intuitive Snacking + My Current Favorite Snacks

So I'm a big time snacker. And I'll tell you, I've heard it all when it comes to how people think others should or shouldn't approach snacking...some people think you should have 5 or 6 mini meals a day and others swear by 3 large meals. I don't think any one approach is the "right" approach. You just need to figure out how your body works best!

That being said, we need to change how we're thinking about snacks. Snacks don't have to be something we overthink (though a lot of people do!). We don't have to have the right quantity of macros or "x" number of calories and no more in our snacks. The important thing when it comes to snacking is using it to honor your hunger and satisfy your body.

Some people view snacking as only excess or unneeded calories. But if we approach snacking from an intuitive perspective, one that honors our body's natural wisdom, we can approach snacking from a perspective of simply meeting our needs for food. A good example is when you maybe have a heavy breakfast, then a light lunch, but find yourself mid afternoon feeling that hunger seep in and feeling restless to eat when there's still time before dinner.

But, there's also those instances when you snack just because you're with other people enjoying company and the food that comes along with it! You may not really be hungry, but you choose to snack because it's something you WANT to do!

Key here is that you are paying attention to how your body feels when you're snacking. I talk to a lot of women who simply grab at food mid day just because it's there and without noticing their bodies and how their bodies feel.

Intuitive snacking is being able to notice your body's hunger, respond to that hunger with something satisfying (i.e. what sounds good or what you crave), and then being able to go on with life in a joyful and carefree way! It's nonjudgemental of whether or not the snack was worth it, or if it was "perfect", or if it fit in with the rest of your day's eats in a "healthy" way. To help you with intuitive snacking, here's a couple of questions you can ask yourself:

  • How do I feel? Do I feel happy, lonely, bored, sad, excited etc.

  • How does my body feel? Do I feel hungry, full, bloated, satisfied?

  • What is my level of hunger? (1-10)

  • What is my environment like right now? Do I want to eat for pleasure or to meet my hunger or both?

  • What sounds good right now? Am I craving sweet, salty, savory, crunchy, smooth?

  • Can I eat what I'm craving right now?

 Answering these questions around snacking may help you with simply being more mindful and then more intuitive about if you choose to eat and what you choose to eat. Again, no right or wrong way to snack. Only listening to your body is what is important and being able to honor your hunger and meet your needs for being satisfied by food. I'm sharing my 4 favorite satisfying snacks with you today, things that I've just been loving this summer! Hope these provide some fun inspiration and encouragement to meet your hunger with delicious and satisfying snacks! 

My 4 favorite summer satisfying snacks!

#1: Caprese salad (handful of cherry tomatoes cut in half, chunks of mozzarella, basil cut in ribbons, drizzle of balsamic glaze)

  #2: Avocado with Trader Joe's Everything Bagel Seasoning and red pepper flakes

  #3: Apple slices with peanut butter yogurt dip (1 Tbs peanut butter, 1 Tbs yogurt, drizzle of honey) 

  #4: Tahini Date Bombs (dates cut in half with pit removed, stuffed with tahini, topped with dark chocolate shavings and a pinch of salt)

 Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you're snacking on this summer in the comments below!! 


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