Intuitive Eating In Real Life + I Ran My First Race in 3 Years!

Happy Sunday lovelies!

Sharing another "Intuitive Eating in Real Life" post with you all to encourage you in your own intuitive eating journey. Do you like reading these posts? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to do more in the upcoming year!I also ran my first race in 3 years today!!

The last race I did was a 10K in Charleston, the Cooper River Bridge Run. This was just a 5K, but fun nonetheless and reminded me how much I love races!

This morning I woke up, spent some time doing a devotional I've been doing for the last couple of weeks called Redefined (100% recommend because it's amazing!). Then had a quick banana and peanut butter for some light calories before the run. I also made a travel mug of Harney & Son's Cinnamon Sunset tea to help warm up before the run. It was 25 degrees this morning, the coldest I've ever run outdoors! But a few layers made it feel ok once I started running. It was actually quite invigorating!I ran on a team with some people from my office (my pediatric nurse job). We were running in honor of one of our patients who has a rare genetic condition to support him. Hence the purple t-shirt.

After the race, Paul and I went to breakfast at a place called Black Cat Cafe in the town just north of us. I forgot how much I love going out for breakfast! A big plate of scrambled eggs, home fries, and multigrain toast really hit the spot and helped warm me up from the inside out! Also had a cup of coffee on the side.Paul and I sat there eating and talking and drinking coffee for a while and also did some online Christmas shopping because we still hadn't done that. I just love Amazon 2 day free shipping! It makes my life so much easier!

After brunch I went home and showered and got ready for the day. At the cafe I saw a sign for a Handel's Messiah performance and one of the nearby churches and thought it looked like fun. Sometimes I like to have things planned out, but sometimes it's nice to not have anything on our schedule and have room for those spontaneous things that just come up.

Since I hadn't really eaten but one full meal at brunch today, I was starving come dinner! Pizza was on my mind, and is our typical Sunday night dinner. I've been making this paleo pizza dough from Paleo Running Momma because #1 it's relatively quick and easy and #2 I've noticed I feel better come the day after if I eat gluten free pizza. I'm definitely not gluten free and definitely love "normal" pizza, but have enjoyed the change and respond to how my body has felt in the past when I eat a bunch of glutenous pizza. This is where tuning into your body can help you make educated decisions with how to eat in a way that feels good for you. Just remember, most people don't have to stick to strict diets. So if you notice you feel better with some gluten free options in your life, go for it! But most of us, minus those with celiac disease, can afford to have some gluten in our lives and even could benefit from it.

I topped this week's pizza with burrata I'd had in the fridge for way too long (but it was still good amazingly!), chopped kale, mushrooms, peppers, and green olives. We ate the whole pizza, me and Paul, along with a side salad and a beer.

Well, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!Tell me one thing you did this weekend and one way you're working your intuitive eating muscles??

Have a wonderful week :)


Intuitive Eating Isn't Anti-Structure


Holiday Gift Guide