Intuitive Eating Isn't Anti-Structure

Intuitive eating isn't anti-structure, though it can be made out to sound like it is. If we take intuitive eating as straight up eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full and nothing else, well sure, it seems to be lacking any structure. But that's not always practical for people. In fact, most of us NEED structure in our lives, especially around eating. Otherwise, we're setting ourselves up for failure on a lot of levels. Just like we need to approach gray with food (with food being more than "good" or "bad"), we need to approach the gray with structured eating.Let's start by clarifying a few things first.

Structure is different than rigidity. Structure helps make intuitive eating possible when life is crazy while rigidity is all about rules and boundaries. But oftentimes, we associate structure AND rigidity with dieting and feel it has to be that way.But you can have structure, and should have some amount of structure, with eating AND know the freedom that comes with intuitive eating. Let me explain further.One of the reasons we diet and restrict calories is because we crave structure. When things in our lives seem to be falling apart, that's when eating restrictively is so enticing. We crave structure with eating because it IS something we can control...or at least we think we can control.

But, apart from dieting, structure can actually be very helpful with intuitive eating.Structure with eating will help you to plan out your meals during the week when you're working 40 hours at the office and can't practically eat every exact moment that you're hungry. It helps you anticipate hunger, pack meals or snacks, and be able to eat at times when you're able to eat regardless of if you're exactly hungry or not because you know that if you don't eat then you're going to be hungry at a time you're not exactly able to stop and eat. Structure helps you be practical with eating in your life.

This can be very freeing in that you don't have to have that situation where you're standing in front of the refrigerator knowing that you should eat but don't have the items on hand to make what you want. It's not practical to go to the grocery store every day, so that's where structure comes into help you feed your body practically while also being intuitive.

You see, intuitive eating has to come alongside normal eating. And eating normally isn't always eating what you're craving in the moment if you don't have that option. There are days when I'm at work and am craving soup, but what I had at home and what I brought to work was a salad.With that, I could try and anticipate that I'll be wanting soup at lunch during the week because it's cold outside and a salad is not something that I crave typically in the winter. So with that, I'll be able to anticipate a craving and eat intuitively.Here's how you can add structure to intuitive eating and eat practically, intuitively... 


Once a week, I carve out some time to plan what we'll be eating the following week. I typically will do this on Friday or Saturday so that I can plan and then grocery shop the same day. Planning out a few meals will help you know what items to get at the grocery store and will make it so much easier to make dinner each night. I feel like half the battle of getting dinner on the table is trying to figure out what to make. So if you're doing that ahead of time, you're going to be more likely to feel calm when it's time to prepare a meal. And, you'll be more likely to eat something at home as opposed to eating out which is both better for you financially and often physically. 


It amazes me how many people don't have a regular grocery shopping routine. Grocery shopping to have ample food in your home is essential to having a healthy and mind around food. Add it to your weekly schedule to do at least one grocery shop per week. Plan out what you'll need the following week as well as what you anticipate craving so that you can meet your need for practicality with eating as well as practice your intuitive ability. 


Part of taking care of your body and honoring hunger is anticipating hunger. You ARE going to be hungry mid day. If you're not, you'll get home and most likely raid the pantry and fridge because you neglected hunger or even just eating despite hunger all day long. One of the greatest forms of self care, in my opinion, is eating regularly. Without regular eating, you're setting yourself up for binging.If packing lunch isn't part of your regular routine, I suggest you give it a try! The night before, take a few moments to put together a well balanced lunch, one that will both satisfy you and fill your hunger need. Make sure you include a balance of carbs, fat, protein, and something fun! I always have my regular lunch, whatever that is, along with some chocolate and tea on hand just incase lunch didn't fully satisfy me and I need something to meet that satisfaction need. Chocolate and tea will always do that for me and does it for my clients as well if they enjoy chocolate! 


If you find yourself too busy to prepare dinner after work, or get home too late to want to make dinner, spend some time doing some meal prep. It doesn't have to be a crazy ordeal. Just spend 30 minutes to an hour preparing a few things that can either make up an entire meal or can be added to other things for quick evening meals. This can be so helpful when you get home later than you intended and are just not in the mood for a full on dinner prep.

Meal prep is oftentimes associated with diets. But did you know, you can meal prep without dieting?? Ingenious, isn't it! Meal prepping can actually help you in your intuitive eating journey. And it can be a great way to have that structure that makes intuitive eating practical. Well, I hope this brings you some peace of mind if you've been following along and have been like..."wait, intuitive eating seems so far fetched and vague!" It doesn't have to be. It can have structure if that's what you crave in your life and if that's what makes it practical for you. The important thing is to remember that structure does not mean rigidity. 

Do you crave structure with eating? How are you choosing to put structure into intuitive eating as opposed to structure with dieting?


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