Feeling Your Fullness

Do you struggle with feeling your fullness?

You feel like every night, you overeat.

At every party, you overeat.

Let’s talk about how to feel your fullness.

Fullness has a range.

It starts with neutral. Being neither hungry nor full. And then it moves towards full & satisfied (that great feeling where you can get up from eating and go on with the rest of your day). And then all the way towards sick-full.

Sick-full doesn’t feel good. It’s not a fun place to be. What you want is to find that happy place of full & satisfied. This is the best place to be with fullness.

And it’s not just the best place because I’m telling you it’s the best place. It’s the best place because it’s the place where you’re going to feel so good in your body. You’re going to feel comfortable, and satisfied, and ready to go about the rest of your day.

This is the happy place of fullness.

If you’re struggling with finding this place, if you’re struggling with eating past this place and getting to the “sick-full” place, I have 3 tips for you to help you feel your fullness.

1. Don’t let yourself get too hungry.

Letting yourself get too hungry makes it really difficult to notice the subtle cues of fullness your body gives you. Your brain is only in the mindset of needing to get food ASAP. Honor hunger when you first notice the cue (or as soon to it as you can).

2. Eat mindfully.

Notice how food tastes and how you feel as you eat. Pay attention to flavor and satisfaction. Fun fact, as you get more full the satisfaction of food decreases. See if you can notice that next time you eat!

3. Use how you feel (& how you want to feel) to decide when to stop eating.

The power of intuitive eating is that it empowers you to be able to decide when you want to stop eating… instead of a diet or calorie counts or someone else telling you when you should stop. When it’s a decision that comes from you, it’s going to be sustainable. You’re not only going to feel empowered to stop at fullness now, but also in the future.

And a last thing to note… Feeling your fullness can take some time, so give yourself grace as you explore how to feel fullness in your own body. Remember there is no such thing as failure.

PS: If you want this in podcast form, come check out the Redefining Health Podcast.

Click to listen to this episode on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

PPS: I help my clients stop overeating with my 1:1 & self-paced programs. Learn more & schedule a free call here.


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