What I Eat In a Day + A Typical Day for Me At Work!

Hi everyone! So today I'm sharing another "What I eat in a day " post which I haven't done in a while. So I thought that it might be fun for you to see what a typical day for me looks like and what my meals look like. But also, I know that when I was trying to learn how to eat intuitively and more balanced instead of being so restricting and controlling with what I ate, one of my greatest resources was learning from other women who were eating freely! So that's what I hope today's post is for you! Both fun and encouraging in how you can be more intuitive with your own eating by following suit! Let's dive in to some good regular day eats!

5:00 AM- I woke up to my alarm early this morning because I'm really trying to wake up and get started with my day a little earlier than usual. I find that by waking up early, I find so much more peace throughout the day. Especially since I've started implementing a daily 30-45 minute quiet time each morning in which I read my bible or a devotional ( I'm currently reading Annie F Downs "100 Days to Brave) and then journal/pray. It really helps me to set my intentions for the day and, in a season of my life where work is somewhat of a drudgery (my nursing job, not this of course!), it helps me keep a positive perspective with what I do. As I do my quiet time, Paul usually starts on the coffee... he's my hero! Then I'll sip on coffee while finishing up with my "me" time!

6:00 AM- So breakfast started today with one of my favorites, oatmeal with banana and peanut butter! I love how filling this breakfast is and I literally wake up and craving it most mornings. I'm quick to add peanut butter to any and every breakfast...well mostly! But really, peanut butter is such a satisfying food for me and I find such enjoyment eating it. So why not make it part of my daily routine! After breakfast I did a quick upper body weight workout because I was just feeling it. I haven't done much "working out" in the last 2 weeks with traveling and all, so I felt myself craving some structured movement.

Now it's off to work at 8:30 AM!

9:30 AM- I find I do best when I have a little something mid morning as a snack, so I had some black tea with almond milk and honey as well as 2 mandarin oranges. This little snack was nice to tide me over until lunch. Oh, and I also had a handful of habanero roasted chickpeas (not pictured) that I found sitting in our break room, and they were delish!

12:30 PM- It's time for lunch! I'd prepped a salad for lunch today, which I haven't made in a long time...like all winter I think! But, I really was craving a salad today and threw together a conglomeration of things in the fridge including spring mix, mushrooms, baby bell peppers, radishes, some cut up breaded eggplant I made the other day for eggplant parmesan ( weird but so good! ), and topped with some veggie burger. I added a yogurt caesar dressing to it, chopped it up because who doesn't like chopped salads, and enjoyed it with a grapefruit seltzer. Mmmmmm! Oh, and after lunch I'm always cold, so I made myself some tea and had it with two of my Cranberry Walnut Protein Breakfast Cookies as a post lunch "dessert" while getting ready to get back to work talking to parents on the phone and answering their questions as well as getting all the patients ready for the doctor to go in and see them.

3:30 PM- It's second snack time! I really need a mid afternoon snack, probably more often than a mid morning snack. I find that snacking or eating regularly throughout the day really helps to keep my blood sugar stable and my energy stable with working on my feet as well as just help me feel my best and not get too hungry (which oftentimes causes me to want to overeat...or just get really hangry!) I had a fun treat today of this yoplait flip yogurt flavored cherry with almond and chocolate and it was the absolute perfect combo snack with the healthy fat and the chocolate with a creamy yogurt! So delicious!

7:00 PM- For dinner we had leftovers from the night before that included some breaded cod from Trader Joe's, some couscous with red lentils and tomatoes that I'd made, as well as a salad. We poured ourselves a glass of red wine too because we were celebrating hearing that Paul passed his part 1 boards today! We ended dinner with trying this new chocolate oreo candy that Paul got somewhere and, sadly, the verdict wasn't too great for it...I was not a fan. But, that happens. .   Alright, well that's a typical day... or not so typical because every day is pretty different! But, hopefully you enjoyed seeing what a typical day of eats looks like for me!  


Salmon Cobb Salad with Smokey Coconut Chips


Cranberry Walnut Protein Breakfast Cookies