Accepting Your Body In a World That Says You Have to Be Skinny

We get this message that says change your body… and THEN, you'll be able to accept your body.

So you go on the diet and focus all of your energy on trying to lose weight…

To feel healthy. But also, if you're honest, to like yourself.

Can I share with you what I see with literally every single one of my clients.

When they explore how they have felt about themselves at smaller weights, they discover that it was never about the weight. There was still something about themselves they didn't like. They still felt insecure. They still didn't feel confident.

Do you know why?

Because it's not about your weight. Having a good relationship with your body has NOTHING to do with your weight or size.

So what I want to offer to you today is this thought… “I can accept my body, respect my body, and care for my body… even though I don't love my body or how I look".

Today on the podcast I have a special guest with me. Jenna Wait is a Registered Dietitian and today we talk about her experience of accepting her body where she's at, living in a larger body, and taking action to improve her health and be the healthiest version of herself despite living in a larger body.

I wanted to bring on Jenna because I recognize I live in a smaller body and I know it can be helpful to hear it from someone else. Body image and body acceptance, as we talk about today, has nothing to do with your physical body. It's everything to do with how you think about your body.

So if you are struggling to accept your body and have fears about what that means, this episode is going to really encourage you.

Find the full episode wherever you listen to podcasts… Apple, Spotify, or Google.


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