Accepting Your Beautiful Imperfections

Today I have perfection on my mind, something that is not uncommon us for women. With our current age of regular and constant comparison (thanks social media!) we're bombarded with the feeling to always be doing more, promoting ourselves more, perfecting ourselves more.

But I more! Perfection is an illusion. It's something that we know isn't possible in our heads, and yet in our souls, we desire it and seek it out in whatever way we can. We long for what will satisfy us...and we believe deep down that perfection is the answer.It's not. At least not here on earth.We're talking all about perfection over in lesson 2 of my course, True to You (you can read more about it HERE). And with this topic on my mind right now, I thought I'd share a little bit of my perspective on perfection.I believe we were created to long for perfection. And that's why we struggle with it so much. It's in our nature to want perfection in all we do and all we are. And yet, because perfection isn't part of our life here, it keeps us searching and searching and never actually being satisfied.

We want perfection in our homes, and so we spend money we don't have and precious time that could be spent elsewhere creating perfect in our home.We want perfection in our jobs, and so we jump ship whenever things get tough instead of sticking through the good times and the tough times.We want perfection in our marriages, and so we have unspoken expectations that lead to a cold, silent war amongst two people who once spoke vows to stand by in each other in all circumstances.We want perfection in our bodies, and so we diet and purge, and cut out food groups, and abuse our bodies to make them smaller, thinking only then will we be accepted by ourselves and others. 

You long for perfection, but the only thing that will quench our thirst and truly satisfy is accepting your beautiful imperfection.

 You can take a deep breath and fully exhale all the pent up stress you've put on yourself to live this life perfectly. You can find the freedom you long for through accepting your beautiful imperfection.Breaking free from perfection and accepting yourself just as you are is one of those things that doesn't happen overnight. It starts with little baby steps, small daily choices to let go, that leads to freedom.Why is this even important to talk about? Well, friend, I know that living life bound to perfection is a life that's exhausting, frustrating, and debilitating. It takes so much time, energy, and effort to try and make everything perfect when the reality is perfect isn't possible. And it's ok to embrace your imperfections!

Embracing imperfections isn't about making yourself feel like a failure. It's about letting go of the pressure to be someone you're not.I love talking about this topic of perfection because I am a recovering perfectionist. I now, looking back, see how perfection was something I clung to because of my insecurity. It seeped into all areas of my life and took over control. It kept me from living fully, the life I want to live.And one of the best lessons breaking free from perfectionism has shown me is that in my imperfections, despite my imperfections, I can be loved. By myself. By others. It's a lie we tell ourselves that we can't love ourselves and others can't love us unless we're perfect. 

You hitting a mark or not hitting a mark makes you no more or less worthy.

 I could talk on and on about perfection and how to break free from it, and I do in my course True to You. In my 6-week course we go into all things that prevent you from living your true authentic and confident self and one of those things is PERFECTION! If you want more good things like this, I want to invite you to join in on the growth! Check out True to You HERE.


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