A Way To Think About Body Image Work

Body image work always comes up in the work I do with clients. So much of our relationship with food is impacted by our relationship with ourselves and our bodies.But additionally, body image work is some of the hardest work. It's not a quick, easy fix. It takes time to heal and to gather tools to know how to handle bad body image days. It's uncomfortable. It takes getting out of your comfort zone and getting really real and honest with yourself.I wanted to share a way I talk with clients about body image and thought maybe this could be helpful for you if you're feeling frustrated or defeated in the work you're doing to improve your body image. 


Think of body image work like working an unused muscle.What happens when you have a muscle that you don't use often? It atrophies, right? It grows weak and small. It has a hard time knowing how to work, and other, stronger muscles take over the work of that muscle. Think of this as opposed to a muscle you use all the time. What is that muscle like? It's big, it's strong, it's the muscle that is first to fire.The same goes for body image. When we are so conditioned and used to "working" our negative body image, those thoughts and reactions are the first to come out of the woodwork. It may feel like we can't possibly think positively about ourselves. Our negative body image "muscles" are big and strong, whereas our positive body image "muscles" are weak and small.As you work on your body image through having a mindset of respecting your body, buying and wearing clothes that fit you and are comfortable and flattering for your now body, practicing speaking kind words to your body and redirecting negative thoughts about it, you're working that small and weak muscle and making it stronger each time you do any of these things. It may feel forced at first. You will still notice those negative thoughts that you always went to in the past. But continuing to work these positive body image "muscles" will make this mindset stronger and stronger until the negative body image thoughts and actions that used to feel so automatic don't pop up in your mind so often. You may still acknowledge feeling uncomfortable in your body, but it doesn't totally wreck your day.So as you're working on your own body image, when you have more challenging days, it's nothing you are doing wrong. It's nothing to get discouraged about. Rather, think of it as you just needing to keep doing what you're doing to get those body-positive muscles working for you even more. 


So let's talk about ways to work your body-positive "muscles". Think of these like exercises for positive body image.1. Watch your words. Notice the words you say to yourself both out loud and in your head. Are they kind? Are they words you would say to a friend? Your body is not against you...it's time to start talking to yourself like you believe that. It's amazing when we slow down and notice the words we say to ourselves on a regular basis how negative they can be. Make it a habit to notice negative words and immediately think of something positive you can say. As you practice flipping the script of what you say to yourself, negative body image thoughts won't have the same power they once did!2. Dress to feel confident. Wear clothes that make you feel confident, comfortable, and pretty! Maybe this means going through your closet and donating things that don't serve you. Do some "Marie Kondo" with your wardrobe and anything that does not bring you joy...as in it keeps you hoping for a past version of your body...let it go. I know how challenging this is, that it can feel like you're giving up on yourself. But think about it as not giving up on yourself but moving towards the person you want to be! A person who's confident and comfortable in her skin!3. Shift to respecting your body. For a lot of women struggling with body image, loving their body feels too far of a leap. And that's ok. Can you shift to a mindset of respecting your body? What does respecting your body look like? Maybe it means moving her, feeding her satisfying foods, dressing her comfortably and stylishly, speaking kindly to her, touching her lovingly.4. Do nice things for your body. Maybe this means getting a massage, getting your nails done, soaking in a tub. And as you keep exercising your positive body image, that mindset will strengthen and leave you feeling strong to stand up against even the hardest negative body image day.What's something you can do to work your positive body image "muscles" this week?


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