You Didn’t “Let Yourself Go”

I've heard from so many of you that last year was a hard year for you mentally. And because of that, you weren't able to prioritize your physical health in the way you maybe wanted to. 


I want you to know, I hear you. This was me, too, this past year.


About a year and a half ago I started therapy again. And I'm not gonna lie, I went into it thinking "I'm just going to have her ‘fix’ these parts of me" and that be that.


That's not how it went. I don't think that's really how it ever goes. But, I was hopeful.


That being said, 2023 became the year I went through a lot of hard stuff mentally and grew a lot mentally. But, we only have so much energy to give. And a lot of my energy went to my mental health.


I wonder if this was you, too? And that it wasn't that you “let yourself go” or “were lazy” (I know you may be telling yourself this because I hear it from my clients all the time). Maybe you just needed to prioritize another part of you this past year. And there's no shame in that.


Today on the Redefining Health Podcast I'm sharing more about all of this.


If you've had a hard year. If you look back and are wishing things had been different, maybe even beating yourself up for not being where you want to be physically, this episode is for you. I hope and pray you feel seen, loved, and encouraged.


This is just a little overview of the podcast episode on the Redefining Health Podcast. You can find this episode wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you’d like my help with working towards your health goals without dieting and healing your relationship with food & your body, enroll in my program Stop Dieting Start Living.


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When You "Know What You Need to Do And Aren't Doing It"