Letting Go of Perfection with Eating (My client Rebecca’s Story)

This week on the podcast, my former client, Rebecca, joins me to share her powerful transformation of becoming an intuitive eating and overcoming perfection with eating.

Her story is one I know many women can relate to – rigidly following diets to lose weight, stuffing down emotions, perfectionism, and more.

When Rebecca came to me, she had tried all the diet programs to lose weight and had followed them to a tee, but her weight loss had stalled and she was extremely stressed and anxious from the high standards she put on herself.

Through our work together, she discovered the root of her eating issues, learned to give herself grace, and built sustainable habits that support her body daily.

She says that her life is completely transformed through intuitive eating! She had to put in hard work, but it was worth it all.

In this episode we talk about…

  • Where Rebecca was before intuitive eating

  • How dieting and perfectionism go hand-in-hand

  • The importance of getting to the root of eating issues

  • Dealing with difficult emotions

  • How to use gentle nutrition to support your body

  • Rebecca’s biggest takeaways and where she is now

Her transformation is truly incredible, and I want you to know that it’s possible for you too! Rebecca even shares this encouragement at the end of this episode — this isn’t an episode you want to miss!

Listen to this episode on the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.


Misconceptions About Intuitive Eating


Why the BMI is Bogus