How do food and eating values fit with intuitive eating

If you have food and eating values, like wanting to avoid eating meat or all animal products or wanting to be eco-conscious with your eating and the sourcing of your food is important to you, maybe you’ve had the thought that you can’t also eat intuitively. Maybe you’ve thought, because I have preferences and I do want to avoid certain foods in my diet, I can’t fully practice intuitive eating.

This week on the podcast I invited Libby Bloom, a Registered Dietitian and my associate program coach inside Stop Dieting Start Living, to come on the show and share her thoughts on how having specific food and eating values can fit beautifully with intuitive eating. And how to find the balance between enjoying a peaceful and freeing relationship with food while also navigating your own convictions around food.

Libby shares her own experience with going from taking a more controlling approach with food because of her own values, how it led to an unhealthy relationship with food and a lot of fear and anxiety to now being able to have a great relationship with food and her values and convictions, specifically around animal liberation.

I also share my own experience with going from taking a rigid approach with health and my own convictions to letting go of some of this for my own mental health and the shifting of my values as I became a mom. And how I don’t feel guilty for what I choose now (which lets be honest, is a lot of times these days pre-made and frozen Costco meals) because of my values.

In this episode we talk about…

  • How intuitive eating can fit into your values with food

  • What it looks like to have values and still eat intuitively

  • The struggles people have around their values with food and wanting to eat intuitively

  • How food freedom plays into food and eating values

At the root of it all, as you’ll hear us talk about in the episode, it’s about your mindset. And getting to a place where you can eat from your values from a place of freedom & empowerment versus fear.

No matter who you are, what your values are… whether you, like Libby, like to prioritize non-animal products or environment friendly practices OR, that's not a value and you feel guilty about it not being your priority, this episode will feel like a breath of fresh air. And I know you're going to relate with us, no matter where you fall. There's something in this episode for you.

I can’t wait for you to listen. You can find it wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And if you’re ready to feel at peace with food & enjoy the freedom we talk about here in this week’s episode with food, I’d love to invite you to work with both of us inside my program Stop Dieting Start Living. You can learn more & enroll


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