Are You Turning "Everything in Moderation" Into Just Another Food Rule?

“Everything in moderation” is a mantra we've all heard, often touted as a golden rule for maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

It sounds like a great goal, doesn't it? No food is off-limits and guilt can be kept at bay. But here's the twist: this seemingly good advice can sometimes morph into yet another food rule, one that might not be as helpful as it appears on the surface.

As an intuitive eating coach, I’ve noticed that it’s so common to turn well-intentioned concepts into rigid rules that inadvertently work against us. That's where the trouble can begin with the idea of "everything in moderation."

The essence of intuitive eating actually aligns quite naturally with the "everything in moderation" concept. This approach allows us to savor a variety of foods without spiraling into extremes. Yet, in the pursuit of creating structure, we sometimes transform this principle into yet another inflexible rule.

When moderation evolves into a rule, it disrupts our ability to truly listen to and trust our bodies — the essence of intuitive eating. It yanks us back into the realm of diet mentality, where external guidance trumps internal cues.

So, how do you know if “everything in moderation” has become another rule? Look out for these signs:

  • It involves the "should factor." If thoughts of what you should or shouldn't eat dominate your mind, it's a clear indicator that external influences are outweighing your inner wisdom.

  • It’s inflexible.

  • It’s focused on isolated instances (i.e. a single meal or day), instead of considering the bigger picture.

Moderation, like so many things in life is a fluid concept. It’s not black and white or something that needs to be followed perfectly. The goal isn't to worry incessantly about achieving the perfect balance, but to remain aware of whether moderation has inadvertently become a rigid rule.

Listen to this week’s podcast episode for more on how to letting go of food rules and finding a true balance of moderation.

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