5 Things I do Everyday As An Intuitive Eater

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to really eat intuitively?

Today on the podcast I’m sharing 5 things I do everyday as an intuitive eater.

I honor my hunger & fulness.

The first thing I do everyday as an intuitive eater is I honor my hunger & fulness. This means when I’m hungry, I eat. I don’t just drink water to make the hunger hopefully go away, I don’t ignore it. I eat. I honor the fact that if I’m hungry, it’s for a reason. My body needs some food. Learning how hunger, specifically early hunger, feels for me as an individual has been a practice. And it’s a practice that I teach my clients all the time. Because, the truth is, hunger looks different for everyone. It’s a matter of learning, and then honoring, what hunger feels like for you.

I also honor my fulness and do my best to stop eating when I’m full out of respect for my body. Am I perfect at this… no. But I rarely overeat these days because I’ve become so in tune with my body’s fullness and also have worked through and gotten to know the things that make it hard to notice that place of comfortable fulness. Again, this is something I help my clients with. And once you learn this, eating becomes so much more simple.

I prioritize satisfaction with my meals and snacks.

The second thing I do is prioritize satisfaction with my meals and snacks. What is satisfaction? Satisfaction is that feeling that you can just push away from the table and go through your next task of the day without still thinking about food or eating. It’s that feeling of completeness after a meal. I shared in THIS EPISODE more on satisfaction but this is key to intuitive eating and having a calm and peaceful relationship with food.

I choose foods that nourish my body.

I find that a lot of people’s first impression is that if they eat intuitively and just listen to their bodies they’ll never want to eat or choose healthy foods. But this isn’t the case. I mostly crave really healthy foods (and I find this is also true for my clients once we work on healing their relationship with food and they learn how to actually listen to their bodies). I love choosing and prioritizing foods that feel good in my body, give me energy, and nourish me. This is a priority for me as an intuitive eater.

And I also enjoy foods that aren’t so healthy without guilt!

I also love eating less healthy foods like pizza and french fries and ice cream and donuts and all the things. These foods are part of my life. And I enjoy them without guilt.

And lastly, I trust my body.

I trust that my body is going to guide me with how to eat. I don’t have to micromanage. I can listen to my body from this place of trusting my body. And because of that, I don’t have to obsess over every little thing I eat. And this is what’s true for you, too… when you heal your relationship with food and re-learn to eat intuitively.

Enjoy podcasts? Find and listen to this episode of the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.

And to have my help as you navigate learning how to let go of dieting & learn to eat intuitively, click HERE to work with me inside Stop Dieting Start Living.


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