Weekend Eats Roundup

Happy Monday folks! I'm sharing my weekend eats with you all after a truly lovely weekend here in NY. The sun was out (for half of the weekend at least) and it was a tiny bit warmer so naturally, I felt like a bear coming out of hibernation.

I like to share daily or weekend eats occasionally as a way to paint for you (or write up for you) a picture of what intuitive eating looks like in real life for me. It's easy to draw conclusions about how a person eats with just seeing a meal here or there on Instagram or Facebook, but it's much better to see the whole day because it gives a more holistic picture.


So, this weekend started with sleeping in on Saturday...i.e sleeping until 7:30! I know that's not sleeping in for some of you, but for me, to sleep without waking up with an alarm was glorious! I'd been a couple of weeks since I really got to do that. I also love Saturdays where I don't have anywhere, in particular, to go right away. So this particular morning I woke up and made some pancakes because it just felt like they would complete an already perfect start to the day! I had some Trader Joe's buttermilk pancake mix in the pantry, whipped the batter up real quick, heated the skillet, and started making them. I added in some blueberries for a fun addition. And, of course, coffee! 


Since it was such a lovely day outside, especially after the previous cold and snowy days we'd been having, Paul and I decided to head into the city. We enjoy just going into the city and walking around. Nothing special, just being outside was therapy for my soul!We started at Union Square farmer's market where we sampled some raw honey, local made bourbon, and bought a drinkable yogurt because that just sounded good! Then, my favorite part, we walked around and looked at all the plants. I ended up buying a little fiddle leaf fig tree which has literally been on my plant wish list...yes I have one of those...for forever!


After walking through the farmer's market we decided coffee was in order. We walked south to Washington Park and just past it to Irving Farm coffee where I ordered just a plain coffee and added half and half, just enough to get it to the perfect khaki color. We sat for a second deciding where to go next. It was 1 PM at this time and I was starting to get a little bit hungry. One of our absolute favorite places to eat for a quick city lunch is at Chelsea Market. In particular, the taco place there. I have no idea what it's called...it's just the taco place. Paul and I each ordered a taco (he got fish, I got shrimp) and then ceviche which was served on a flat hard shell, which we split. We ended up taking it to go and walked up to the Highline which, if you haven't been to NYC, it's basically an old railway that was turned into a walking path above ground. It's really pretty and has great views of the Hudson River and the streets of the city.


After we ate we walked around a little more, found ourselves at a Starbucks Reserve store/cafe which was really cool looking inside. I'm not much of a Starbucks fan, but it was pretty impressive inside, I can't lie!Then we started to head home. We walked/subway-ed to Grand Central and, one tradition Paul and I have is buying a beer from the Rite Aid pharmacy in Grand Central and drinking it on the train. Because you can drink on the train. It's just a fun little thing we sometimes do. I opted for a Guinness and Paul got a Lagunitas IPA and we sipped some of each other's on the way home. I had a friend's birthday dinner in the evening and we met up at a burger place just north of where we live. I got a delicious burger with two types of cheese, onions, and mushrooms and a side of coleslaw.


Ok Saturday was, as you can tell, pretty busy. So Sunday was a little less crazy, though it was just a busy weekend of all good things. I woke up and we had this homemade granola that I'm obsessed with currently (recipe from Minimalist Baker) topped on whole milk yogurt and strawberries on top. Also, of course, paired with some coffee. After breakfast we headed to church and then came home and had lunch of some not super appetizing leftovers that I'd made on Friday night.


I had a huge red cabbage I wanted to use and sauteed it with snap peas, carrots, and cauliflower rice and added some Asian flavors to it to make kind of a fried rice. If I could make it again I wouldn't have used so much cabbage but se la vi. I fried an egg up and put it on top along with a drizzle of sriracha. Not my best work, but that's just life.Paul and I ate and watched some Brooklyn 99, our favorite show currently, and then I had to meet someone for coffee at our local coffee shop.

The afternoon ended with a snack of some brazil nuts and chocolate (one of my favorite quick snacks lately) and a coaching call with my March Intuitive Eating Workshop gals. We talked all about how to practically apply the principle, "Making Peace With Food", into your own life! This is such a crucial principle and one which is the foundation of intuitive eating!


After the coaching call Paul and I did a little meal prep just to get some things prepared for the week, food wise at least. Then, we enjoyed dinner of some sausages with onions and bell peppers and a side of baked potato with cheese.I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Comment below with something fun you did OR something yummy you ate over the weekend!


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