Weekend Eats... Barre3 Training in Nashville

Hello from Nashville!!! What a beautiful weekend it’s been, full of loving movement and amazing women! I am so excited to share with you a little sneak into my weekend and experience at Barre3 new instructor training intensive.

If you’re not familiar with Barre3, it’s a full body balanced workout that includes strength conditioning, cardio, and mindfulness. It’s so much more than just a workout...it’s a full body experience.

I have been gracious enough to have been given the opportunity to pursue certification as an instructor and this weekend was further proof of how much I love this company and align with their vision! Here’s a few things I love about Barre3...

  • They care about every body...everybody matters & every body matters! The culture of the class is all about empowering each and every person to move in their body in a way that feels good for them! Whether you’re in a smaller body or larger body, postpartum or struggling with infertility, marathon athlete or recovering from an injury. Everyone matters.

  • Education and teaching is a foundation of the class... when in c,ass, you’re encouraged to connect with your body, learn how to move in a way that feels good to you in that moment, and find ways to support your body through movement.

  • One of their core values is “commit to real”...I think this says it all! There’s not many fitness companies I know of who have this value. Typically it’s all about holding it in, putting on a front, or pushing through. Barre3 commits to keeping it real and encouraging realness with those in the class! Just love!

Ok, I could go on and on about Barre3, but let’s jump into the weekend! I’ll try and not write a novel here. 



I arrived in Nashville on Thursday night late. Training started at 8:30 Friday morning so straight to bed it was when I arrived! Hotel breakfast it was (forgot to picture), a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter, some fresh fruit, and coffee. Training started with taking a 60 minute class taught by the instructor and then we all sat down and did a lot of learning. Really the whole weekend was a mixture of sitting and learning more of the “whys” for how we move the way we do in the class as well as actually practicing teaching to each other. We took a break for lunch at a little grocery store like Whole Foods called the Turnip Truck and I got a salad and a cup of Chicken Ginseng soup. Also later in the afternoon at a break I went out and got a coffee from a local coffee shop called Killebrew as well as a granola bar for a snack.


Training ended at 5:30 and another instructor from my town and I headed back to the hotel to shower and freshen up for dinner. We explored some of Nashville that evening, walking to a restaurant someone recommended called Saint Anejo. The wait was an hour so we hung out at a bar called Whiskey Kitchen and each got a drink and split some fried pickles while we waited! The wait was worth it because Saint Anejo was soo good!


Saturday, day 2 of training, started at 8:30 again. Hotel breakfast was an English muffin with peanut butter, a vanilla Greek yogurt, and some fresh cut fruit. We started with a little warm up and then moved into training going more into the ins and outs of the class. Lots of going out of my comfort zone, stepping into the role of instructor even more, and learning alongside some amazing women!


Lunch was at a place called Tazikis. I got their chicken gyro...yum! Definitely some needed sustenance!Training finished at 5:30 again and before showering and going to dinner, my roommate and I did some extra practice prepping for our kinda final “test” on Sunday where we’d each teach the group and get feedback.


For dinner we went to a local brewery called Yazoo and split a flight sampler. And for dinner we went to a restaurant called Party Fowl and got some Nashville “hot chicken” tacos...so spicy and delish!


Sunday (today) started again at 8:30. Hotel breakfast was two slices of toast with peanut butter, strawberries, and a blueberry Greek yogurt, with coffee of course. Today was all about bringing together everything we’d learned and teaching our part of the class that we’d signed up for the previous day. I taught the warm up of class. It was so cool to see how each of us grew in lire teaching ability throughout the course of the here days! What a wonderful experience, one I’ll remember forever!


My flight wasn’t until 6 pm, so I walked around downtown Nashville a little and ended up at a fun coffee shop called Frothy Monkey. I got their seasonal salad with spinach, sprouts, mushrooms, tomatoes, boiled egg, avocado, and a side of hummus and sourdough. I also got an iced coffee which hit the spot in the warmer weather! So good! I'm still on a high from the weekend! I love this company so much and the work they are doing to change the fitness industry and empower people in their bodies! I hope you enjoyed reading a little about my experience. :)

If there's a Barre3 studio near you give it a try and then let me know your thoughts! And if there's not, they have an amazing resource on their website of hundreds of videos in their workout library!Hope you all have a wonderful day :)


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