Smokey Roasted Delicata Squash with Avocado Yogurt Dip

Part of the reason I love fall so much is the abundance of squash. I know that's weird, but I honestly CRAVE roasted squash, and other veggies, in the fall/winter! So, in the spirit of fall, I wanted to share this delicious smokey roasted delicata squash recipe with avocado yogurt dip so you can discover your squash-love too!

Have you ever tried delicata squash?

If you haven't, head to your nearest grocery store or farmer's market and get yourself one! Squashes can be kinda intimidating sometimes to know how to prepare, or maybe you had no idea you could actually EAT all these funky looking squashes and thought they were just fall decor. But squash is such a great fall and winter veggie, and learning how to prepare them in a delicious way can really make a huge difference.

I first discovered delicata squash this year, but I was instantly a fan! This squash is beautiful, with it's ribbed skin colored white and orange or even green, and tastes wonderfully on it's own, roasted simply with olive oil and salt. But, if you want to add some pizzazz to your roasting, I have a delicious combo that really spices up this roasted squash and takes it to the next level. In addition to smokey spices to enhance the flavor, a creamy contrast in this avocado yogurt dip makes for a perfect pair. Make this dish for a snack, or as an appetizer for a get-together and wow your guests!

To prepare delicata squash in the most simple way, simply cut off the top and bottom of the squash. Then stand upright and slice long-ways down the middle. Lastly, scoop out the inside seeds for two clean halves. Slice in half-inch slices and you're ready to jazz it up! 

Smokey Roasted Delicata Squash with Avocado Greek Yogurt Dip

2 medium sized delicata squash

2 Tbs smoked paprika

1 Tbs dried parsley

1 tbs garlic powder

1 tsp salt

pinch of pepper

1 ripened avocado

1/4 cup plain greek yogurt

Juice of 1 lemon

1/4 cup fresh parsley

  1. Prepare squash as described above.

  2. Once squash is sliced, lay on aluminum foil or parchment lined baking pan and drizzle with about 2 Tbs of olive oil.

  3. Next sprinkle over spices (paprika, parsley, garlic powder, salt, and pepper)

  4. Bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile, prepare your avocado greek yogurt dip by adding avocado, yogurt, lemon, parsley, and salt to blender. Blend until creamy, then add more salt if needed.

  6. Serve on a platter in a yummy, creative way, or just throw down on a plate with the dip on the side and start dipping!

Hey, let me know if you tried this recipe, or if you were adventurous with other squashes! I'd love to see your creations. Just tag @victoriayatesnutrition on Instagram or comment below with your feat!Happy squash roasting :)


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