Seeing Pictures of Yourself that You Don’t Like

We had family pictures done recently. And I saw a few of them and thought, “Eeek… does my stomach really look like that” (like the one above).

I went back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to share this picture with you because #1 I don’t like it and #2 I don’t want you seeing this and comparing (positively or negatively) against your own body. But I decided to share because I want you to know that we ALL have pictures where we don’t like what we see.

So here’s what happened with me with this picture.

In the past, this would have totally spiraled me. I would have seen it and thought “I need to diet and workout more and not eat any more sugar and cut carbs.”

But when I saw this picture, here’s what I thought…

“I don’t love this picture”. That’s it.

No spiraling. No dieting.

Here’s the thing. We all have pictures where we don’t love how we look. We all have these situations where we see a picture and think “Do I look like that”. But it doesn’t have to mean making drastic changes.

The analogy I used in the podcast episode was this… It’s like if you see a gorgeous sunset and then pull out your camera to take a picture, but when you look back at the picture you’re like… “it looked so much better in person”. The same is true with pictures of you! Pictures can’t fully capture all that YOU ARE. They’re two-dimensional and literally a single snapshot of you. They’re going to look different than you do in person. And you’re going to have pictures where you don’t love what you see. And that’s ok.

So remember this when you look at pictures of yourself. A picture can’t possibly capture all of who you are. All of your beauty.

Our culture does NOT encourage a good relationship with yourself & your body. If you’re wanting to stop hating your body and have a good relationship with yourself, I can help you. Book a free consult HERE to take the first step.

Enjoy podcasts? Find and listen to this episode of the Redefining Health Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.


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