November Coffee Date

Happy November! We're a few weeks in now, which still blows my mind? I feel like every year I say it more and more...time really does just fly by! But I can honestly say, even with the speed of things, I'm enjoying every moment.November is the start of a season of turning inward for me. Maybe it's brought about by the days and nights getting colder and I'm wanting to have more evenings cuddled up to my hubs and Sadie, our dog. Maybe it's all the soup I'm making these days to try and stay warm. I think it's a combo of all of these things. It's been a time for me to do a lot of reflecting. I recently got a new journal after finishing one and new journals just bring about more desire to process through writing. I think this also has to do with the due date of little baby Yates getting closer and closer. I'm filled with so much anticipation, joy, and gratefulness right now as Paul and I prepare for our little family of 3 (including Sadie) to become a family of 4!I wanted to just take some time to share some things on my heart, some new things going on, and catch you up on life...just like we're friends. Because we are :). 


"How do I show up each day to reach my goals?" Getting real honest with you...I love/hate having goals for myself. I love goals because, as a 3 "Achiever" on the enneagram, goals help me feel accomplished and help me feel purpose in my life. But, that being said, I often have too many goals going on in my mind at one time and don't commit fully to any one goal. And I can get so caught up in reaching certain goals that I base my worth on reaching my goals. Not good, I know. It's something I'm working on, myself.So what I'm learning here in this time of my life is to strip it down and focus on a select few goals.It's not to say that I can never branch out of these few goals that I have. But I want to really focus on just a few and really feel good about where I'm at with them specifically before expanding to more.So each day my motivation for waking up early and having a morning routine is because of this quote above. It's how I show up each day to reach my goals. My motivation for setting boundaries with my time is because that's how I can best show up each day to reach my goals. The reason I charge my phone outside of my bedroom each night is because that's how I can best show up each day to reach my goals.It's important for us to have goals. But even more important is showing up each day to give those goals your best shot.How does this quote speak to you? 


You may have noticed that I've picked back up with talking more about women's hormones here on the blog and on Instagram. And that's because it's been on my heart for the last year or so to do more in the area of education on all things hormones and period health and soon take on clients with specific hormonal concerns such as hypothalamic amenorrhea and irregular periods. I've forever had an interest in the area of period health mainly due to my own story with hypothalamic amenorrhea which you can read here on the blog. And it has been my desire for a while to help women be empowered by knowledge about their period health and then regain a healthy period through intuitive eating and lifestyle changes. If this is something you can relate with know that you don't have to hide. A healthy and regular period is so important to your overall health. Email me at and I'd love to help you work through what you're going through.So coming soon expect to see more posts on Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) and other period and hormone topics! :) 


I'm currently 27 weeks! I can't even believe how fast this pregnancy is going, but like I said above I'm really enjoying each moment. Baby is the size of Romaine lettuce, apparently and nearing 2 pounds! He's kicking me pretty regularly throughout the day, with his favorite times to get active being early morning around 5 AM as well as just as we're settling down to sleep around 9. I have my next midwife appointment next week which will be for the glucose tolerance test.I've started to want to "nest" just a little here lately and just get organized a bit. We live in a one-bedroom apartment so things are going to be tight. The plan as of now is to move Paul's desk out of our room and have a little baby nook/corner where the desk was. I have a metal shelving unit with some cute baskets from The Container Store and Ikea to make me feel a little bit better and have some things organized. Any suggestions on living in a one-bedroom with a baby would be greatly appreciated! 


I'm currently reading a lot of books, actually. I'm switching between reading Body Respect by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphramor, Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden, and Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. All very different books! Body Respect is a book I recommend to clients and anyone who is struggling with the concept of not focusing on weight as an indicator of health. Period Repair Manual is something I'm re-reading actually to brush up on some hormone things. And then Girl Stop Apologizing is something I'm reading just for personal growth and for fun! 


Natural Calm magnesium supplement.Newest pregnancy symptom has been restless legs at night right when I'm trying to relax. It's such a weird feeling but also so annoying. Every evening I've been doing Red Raspeberry Leaf tea which helps promote a strong uterus and shorter labor and putting about a 1/2 teaspoon of Natural Calm in it and it pretty quickly helps with the restlessness! It's also great for regular bowel movements and better sleep so basically a win-win-win! Thanks for reading and would love to hear back from and catch-up with what's going on with you!


Eat With Confidence This Holiday Season


4 Common Reasons Why Intuitive Eating Isn't Working For You