March Coffee Date

Happy March! Goodness, I have so much to share this month and I'm excited to have another virtual coffee date with you! What do you think...could we make this more interactive? I'd love to hear what's going on in your life too!Well, big news currently is that we have our new addition to the family finally! Graham Davis Yates was born 3 weeks ago today on February 14th, 2020 at 9:50 pm. I'm planning to share my birth story soon on my YouTube channel if that's something you're interested in. 


Postpartum and this intro to motherhood have not been without its challenges. But it's been so good! I'm loving being Graham's mom, learning more about him and caring for him. I don't think anyone can fully prepare you for what those first few weeks are like. It's like you run a marathon (labor) and then start up a second, different marathon right after. Paul and I were talking about how one thing we just miss is a full, uninterrupted night's sleep. But, even though the lack of sleep is tough, waking up and seeing Graham's cute face at whatever hour always makes me so happy!I will say, last night he went 5 hours between feedings...I fed him at 10 and then he didn't wake me up until 3! That was an accomplishment. Only waking up once in the night felt soo good!I know there are mixed thoughts on how to go about feeding your baby, but one thing we're trying right now is getting him on somewhat of a flexible schedule. I'm trying out the "Babywise" method of having him on a "feed, wake, sleep" routine but being flexible about it.As for my own healing postpartum, I'm so grateful to be feeling more like myself each day. Those early days I really took it easy, but each day I'm feeling stronger and more connected with my body again. I did a video sharing some tips for the first week postpartum, but to share one thing that has made such a difference with you here, it's been getting outside and doing some amount of walking each day. It started with a very short walk up the street and back, and now I feel good going for more distance. I've been putting Graham in a wrap on my chest and we all head out and get some sunshine and some movement. He loves it and it's been so good for my physical and mental health. 


I'm starting to accept discovery calls again to start working with me in the next month. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel or where I would be with being able to fit work into my life now after baby. But I'm excited to slowly be getting back into seeing clients again in the next month! If you've wanted to work together, let's schedule a discovery session for you in the next week or so! I'm only taking 2 clients on at this time and I'd love for you to have one of those spots! 


A lot is happening in our lives here in the next few months. And though I'm not sure yet about all the details, we're starting to see some things fall into place. One being that we're going to be moving this summer! We're not entirely sure where to yet, but it's looking like we'll be moving back South to be closer to family. Paul's looking for a job in either South Carolina or North Carolina, but just not sure where exactly, yet. I'll keep you posted! If you would have asked me even just a few months ago whether I thought we'd be moving back South I would have told you "no". But I'm honestly so excited to be able to raise up Graham closer to his grandparents, aunts and uncles. Though Paul and I are so sad to be leaving all the wonderful friends and community we have here, we're looking forward to exploring somewhere new as our home. 


I always like to share what I'm reading, just for fun. Feel free to share what you're reading, too, in the comments below! I love suggestions for next books!I'm currently reading a book called "Cloud by Day, Fire by Night" by A.W. Tozer as part of my morning quiet time. I feel God's currently teaching me more about prayer and what it means to be lead by Him and this book has been part of that. I'm also reading "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey for some personal development. 


These lactation cookies by Mama Natural...I know, silly. But they've been so satisfying as a snack. I'm needing all the quick and easy-access snacks these days with breastfeeding making me so hungry all the time! Well, that's all I got! So great to connect with you again! I'll be sharing more content here on the blog on intuitive eating and hormone health coming soon. Do you have something you'd like to see me write about? Share in the comments below! Also, are you more of a blog reader or YouTube watcher? Or both? I'm really enjoying doing more videos over on my YouTube channel and would love to know if that's something you jive with :). Have a great weekend everyone!!


What is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea?


What is Interoceptive Awareness + How it Helps You Eat Intuitively