Let's Talk About Sugar

I believe that being healthy means having balance with everything you eat and in every way you move. Balance with eating means there's most definitely room for sugar and dessert and all that good stuff, so fear no longer! But really, there's no need to fear sugar, and there's actually a way to enjoy it in a healthy amount. So, let's talk about sugar!

What do you know about sugar? Sugar's had quite the bad rap lately as being the culprit for all of our health problems. And though sugar in large quantities can lead to problems (as can anything), you can enjoy sugar and desserts and still feel healthy and strong in your body. Enjoying sugar is totally normal.

Maybe around now you're thinking..."But I just can't keep sugary things in the house with me because otherwise I eat the whole thing!" whatever it is. Maybe you feel like you have a "sugar addiction" and think about it all the time! Maybe you feel empowered when you don't eat sugar, but can't seem to keep the record of "zero sugar" up.

I remember back a few years ago thinking that I would be healthier if I didn't eat sugar and that people would respect me for saying "no" to a slice of cake. But all of my efforts were in vain, they didn't make me feel any better about myself, didn't make me feel healthier because when I finally did eat a dessert I couldn't stop, and in the end I felt empty inside. Quitting sugar did not yield what everyone said it would.Can you relate?

We, as women, seem to struggle deeply with overeating sugar. Goodness, we even have to use our PMS to justify eating some chocolate whatever (when the reality is that chocolate cravings most likely play no true part in our menstrual cycles). A lot of us enjoy baking and making fun treats to share with friends and families and enjoy eating sweet treats just as much. But there always seems to be some kind of negative talk as we indulge, no? You've probably heard other women eat a slice of cake and comment that "they shouldn't". We associate so much guilt with sugar, how can we even enjoy what we're eating!

So, if this is you and you've felt guilt with eating sugar or feel uncontrolled with a gallon of ice cream, listen close. I'm going to help you come to terms with the truth about sugar, your "addiction", and help you find peace with a balanced approach to enjoying all things sweet! You ready?!Tell me if this is you...

You feel like you can't keep sugar in the house.

Yep, I hear this a lot! Girls saying I just can't even keep sweets in the house because otherwise I'll eat it all! Here's what's happening with this situation. First off, if this is you, you probably don't have a very healthy relationship with food. You see foods as only good or bad, nothing more. And naturally, because of our media and what everyone says about "what is healthy", you know that surely sugar isn't good for you. So therefore, it's got to be bad, right? Well, this is where our culture has it all wrong! Sugar isn't bad in and of itself and eating sugar won't make you a bad or unhealthy person. This black and white thinking with eating will keep you drawn to binge on desserts and continue to feed into your unhealthy eating habits. Instead, try giving yourself full permission to eat the dessert or whatever it is whenever you're craving it. Keep it in your house. If you binge on it, fine! It's a learning opportunity. The best thing you can do to help you make peace with sugar and have more balance with eating is to let your body know that you're not going to deprive it of sugar. Deprivation leads to increased cravings which always lead to over-eating. It's how we're wired for our protection. It's a healthy mechanism in place to keep us alive. And no, you won't die if you never eat sugar again, but the same mechanism that kicks in with deprivation of any food kicks in with deprivation of sugar. So if you're feeling all out of whack with eating sweets, try eating in response to your cravings, giving yourself full permission to enjoy the dessert. What you feel like will cause you to over-eat and eat sugar all the time will actually surprise you and you'll be less inclined to eat dessert every single night. Believe me. But even if you did, that'd be ok too...I do that, lol!

Feeling lost with how to start making peace with food? Let me help you with a free discovery call!

You feel like you're addicted to sugar.Yes, it's true that sugar does give you all the good feels from a release of the "feel good hormone" dopamine just like a high from drugs. But not like a high from drugs, sugar is OK for you in moderate quantity! Drugs are not! Also, the reward we get with eating sugary foods is similar to any other enjoyable activity that we do. Basically dopamine is not only associated with addictive activities or behaviors, so drawing a quick conclusion that sugar is addictive simply because it's enjoyable and releases dopamine won't cut it in the debate. But I hear you, the call for eating sugar can feel like an addiction. You can feel like all you think about is sugar and you can find great pleasure from responding to that call. But, as I mentioned before, that heightened craving for a sugary treat could be the result of you putting too much guilt on eating desserts. It's the guilt associated with eating sugar that makes you feel like you're addicted, not a biological state you're in. So, what can you do? Again, give yourself freedom with sugar and room to be perfectly "imperfect". Don't cut it out all together. Eat it in moderation without guilt and you'll notice that the draw to eat sugar all day and the times you do enjoy it, you'll be able to eat until you're satisfied and no more.

You feel empowered and worthy when you don't eat sugar.

This was me, friend. Not eating sugar for a certain amount of time was a game for me. I thought that by "detoxing" from sugar I'd feel more in control. Yes, I was seeking control, but what I found was that by cutting it out all together I'd only last so long before tipping the other way and going out of control! Again, our biology. Anything we tell our bodies we can't have roars at us with vengeance to give in. What I was seeking, and what you may be seeking, was to feel worthy and accomplished by my feat at eating no sugar. I thought people would look at me as strong and accomplished, determined and disciplined. But hear me out. You are strong, accomplished, determined, and disciplined without having to prove yourself by cutting out any food group or following any sort of diet. That is what matters most. Sugar is not the problem, dear friend. The problem is the way that we demonize it. The problem comes when we have such a fear and guilt associated with something that, in reality, makes food taste SO DARN GOOD! There, I said it! And you should say it too. Sugar is GOOD! It has its place in a healthy diet, and the best way for you to feel more balanced with eating it is to do just that...eat it.That's probably a first for hearing a health coach telling you to eat sugar.We need balance. We were made for balance. And that includes including some sweetness in our lives through what we eat.

So tell me...

Are you ready to make peace with sugar?


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