July Coffee Date

Hello friend! It's been so long!Sitting here at one of our Greenville local coffee shops and we have a lot to catch up on!First off, in case you missed it...we moved! I announced it in a blog post if you scroll back a little bit. But yeah, we're getting settled, as best as we can during a pandemic. I'm not gonna lie, it's been really challenging to find community and feel plugged in here. And sometimes I get discouraged but I just remember how it took us about a year to really start making friends in New York when we first moved there. But, thankfully, I do have some friends from when I lived in Columbia who are in Greenville now so it's been nice to reconnect with them. We're currently renting here to get a feel for where we want to be exactly with hopes of buying in the next year. 


Graham is 4 months old now! I can't believe how time has flown. He's a very smiley baby...my life goal now is to always make him laugh so we do lots of tickling.He's sitting up semi by himself and just rolled from his back to his belly for the first time yesterday! We're still not sleeping through the night but fingers crossed it's soon. 


I just onboarded 2 new 1:1 coaching clients for my 6 month program so super excited to start working with these two amazing women this month. I'm also working on something a little more self-led coming in the future. Get excited! In the meantime be sure to subscribe to my email list to be first in the know when this secret releases. 


I'm reading a few things...I love having something for fun & something educational. Right now, for fun, I'm reading "The Jettsetterrs" which is a book from Reece's Book Club. It's super light and cute. Perfect for summer! I'm also reading "The Body is Not an Apology" which is all about radical self-love and body acceptance as well as re-reading "Intuitive Eating" since the new edition just came out. Side note...anyone want to do a book club anytime soon? Let me know in the comments below. 


Getting back into the kitchen! I've let busyness get in the way of me enjoying creativity in the kitchen. My brother introduced me to a YouTube account, Binging with Babish, and I've really been enjoying the inspiration that watching his episodes bring! Yesterday I tried making aquafaba merangues which were surprisingly good! I've also been loving Minimalist Baker and Pinch of Yum recipes lately like this Quinoa Sweet Potato Salad and these 5-ingredient Protein Balls


Summer can be challenging when it comes to body image. Diet culture uses anything as a way to make you feel bad in your body but one specific time is summertime where we're maybe in bathing suits more, wearing less clothing, etc. That's why Katherine and I shared a specific episode on Summer Body Image on the Embracing Balance Podcast.Here's why body image matters in light of intuitive eating. We only care for something we care about, right? So your image of yourself, the way you perceive yourself and the worth you give yourself, is often the driver of different health practices. You take care of what you care about.That's why the work I do with my 1:1 coaching clients always starts with body image work. It's like building a foundation for a new house, you have to start with your foundation before adding in things like walls and windows.But first, there's often some demoing we have to do. We've got to get rid of the rotting dry wall, the falling apart steps (diet culture influence). From there we can build something new and beautiful. We re-establish a strong, healthy foundation (body image) and then move on to fixing the framework (intuitive eating) and then adding in the esthetic (gentle nutrition). Ooh I love a good analogy, don't you! Can't you just see yourself building up this beautiful, new home! Ok, I think that's all I have right now. I so wish we could chat over coffee in person, but I guess this will have to do. Let's keep this going in the comments...what are you loving lately? What are you reading? What's new?


5 Stages In Learning How To Be An Intuitive Eater


Break Free From Calorie Counting--Here's How