How to Eat Intuitively When You're Feeling Sick

It's not always easy to nourish your body well when feeling sick. And, with it being that time of year when illness is seeming to be all around you, sometimes getting a bug here and there is inevitable. So today I wanted to share with you how to eat intuitively when you're feeling sick. 

Naturally with illness, your appetite will probably be suppressed and taste changes making eating not quite as pleasant as it usually is.And with this, if you're caught up in thinking that intuitively eating only means eating what feels good to you or when you're hungry, then you may not eat when you're sick. But that wouldn't be good, right?So how to do eat intuitively when you're feeling sick and nothing sounds good?

I was sick a couple weeks back and literally all I ate all day was saltine crackers, gatorade, some soup, and a nearly whole two liter of ginger ale. But that's all that sounded good to me, and all that I could stomach.

Sometimes, when you're in this predicament where you're trying to eat intuitively but nothing sounds good to eat, the intuitive answer is out of self care. This can also go for times when you're anxious or depressed, or other times when appetite is suppressed. Eating intuitively means eating because it is what your body needs.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind with choosing what to eat that may help you when you do feel sick. First off, make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids. Water is, of course, gold for rehydrating, but if you're not able to keep any food down or not able to eat much, definitely try to get some liquid in that has calories and sugar to keep your blood glucose up (i.e. gatorade, ginger ale, etc...whatever sounds good). Hydrating is going to make you feel worlds better!Also, to find something that sounds even remotely good to eat. Again, your body still needs calories and nourishment (even more so) while you're sick. So even though you may not be eating as much as a typical day, getting in something is still very important and will make you feel a whole lot better. And let what sounds good be your guide for how you eat. There's plenty of websites out there that will give you instructions on exactly what to eat, but that's not how I role. You're the best judge of how you should eat. And the ultimate goal with nourishing your body through sickness is to continue to feed yourself even if things don't sound very good. Again, eating intuitively when you're feeling sick means eating out of self care.

I want to hear from you! How do you feed your body when you don't feel well? What does your self care look like when you're sick?


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