EBP Episode 63: Life Updates, Reflections on 2020 and Goals for 2021


We're back! Katherine and I decided to take a much-needed break from the podcast for the last couple of weeks. So we're taking this episode to share some updates, reflections on this crazy past year as well as thinking about goals we both have for 2021. Listen to the full episode above.

Also, this is new, right? I am excited to start sharing podcast episodes here on the blog! Every Tuesday you can check in here and find the latest episodes.


As for life updates for me, I feel like life is just happening right now. My tendency can be to want to always be going somewhere, doing something. But right now things just feel like they're a little bit on pause. I have a lot of thoughts on where I want this year to go as far as my coaching business but also a lot that I just don't know yet. With baby girl coming in just 2 months (eek!) and having two under two I just have no idea what life is going to look like for me. I'll keep you updated.

I've also been extremely tired lately! One of you asked if it was because of chasing Graham around all day or if I thought it was pregnancy-related and honestly I feel like it's a little bit of both. I've been having weird pregnancy dreams every night, most of them extremely intense and even scary and I remember this from when I was pregnant with Graham but they definitely lead me to not sleeping quite as well and waking up a few times. People say this is the body's way of getting you ready for having a newborn and waking up to feed them a few times a night. I believe it. All that to say, I've been needing to really focus on working with my energy which for most days looks like trying to get business-related tasks done in the morning and then taking it easy in the afternoons and evenings. 


Something else we talked about on this episode was our reflections on 2020. What a year! I know it's been quite the year for all of us, and I feel ya! We had so many changes happen in Paul's and my life including having our firstborn, Graham, the start of the pandemic, moving back to South Carolina and settling in Greenville, I opened The Nourish Lab, my membership site, and I got pregnant again with our second, a baby girl.

But this past year has taught me so much and I feel like I, personally, have grown in so many ways that I'm really proud of. I was given the opportunity to serve more women in both 1:1 coaching and in my membership site. And even though it's been both the hardest year of my life it's also been one of the best. 


I shared a few posts ago that my word for 2021 is "abundance" and that is really what my heart longs to grow in this year. I, honestly, just don't know how this year is going to play out with having another baby and caring for 2 under 2. But something I continually put my mind to and is continually coming up for me is learning how to let go of control. My desire to control is what led me to develop an eating disorder years ago and though control for me no longer manifests in how I eat and exercise and think about my body, it's still something I have to work on in other areas of my life.

So I'm open to whatever 2021 brings, with open arms and a mindset of abundance. Thanks for listening! Katherine and I are excited about what we have planned for the Embracing Balance Podcast this year which will include more episodes with just the two of us teaching, more Q&A episodes where you can ask us questions, and more experts on a variety of health topics.

Be sure to follow the podcast over on Instagram if you don't already, subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts or Spotify, and leave a five-star review and a written review if you're loving the podcast. 


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