How to Eat What You Want This Thanksgiving Without Feeling Guilty

It's tempting to let this Thanksgiving be, yet again, another holiday to dread because of the pressure to restrict and binge...(anyone else already having people around you talking about fasting for the big meal?). It's something we joke about, but it's a real thing that many women struggle with the pressure around Thanksgiving, not only to restrict and then binge, but also to feel guilty for what they eat. Is this you? If so, let me just say're not alone. 

Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays. Yes, it's partly because I'm such a foodie at heart and I love trying out a new fancy recipe (and actually having an excuse to do so), but also because of what Thanksgiving means. Surprisingly though, Thanksgivings weren't always happy memories of mine growing up. We had many a Thanksgiving where life was uncertain, where getting together as a family was painful, and where my ideal of having a "movie-like" big meal together just didn't happen. But even though most of our Thanksgivings were just my immediate family and it was easy to feel like it was just another day around the dinner table, we always found a way to slow things down and be grateful.

But sadly, the fear of food or guilt-feelings around Thanksgiving-type foods can quickly turn this heartfelt holiday into a worrisome evening you're just dying to end. A couple days prior and all you can think about is, "Am I going to over-eat?" or maybe you're already planning out your post-Thanksgiving gym regimen. Maybe you're planning out everything that you'll allow yourself to eat for your plate, and praying that you have the strength to resist deterring from that plan.

Guilt around Thanksgiving oftentimes keeps us from the true reason for the holiday.

Some of you may think this sounds absurd. But I challenge you to revisit your thoughts of Thanksgiving from last year. Did you allow yourself to eat what you wanted? Did you portion out your serving based on what you thought you should eat rather than what you actually wanted? Did you restrict leading up to Thanksgiving meal and then feel that you'd overeaten when you finally did eat? Maybe you "gymmed" extra hard the days leading up to the big meal, and/or immediately went out to exercise with the mindset of "burning off the calories" right after eating.

All of those questions can lead you to understand better where your mindset was last year with eating and where you may be this year. And being aware of thoughts that slip you into feeling guilty and keep you from truly enjoying the day for what it is...a day not to engorge yourself nor beat yourself up about what you do eat...but rather a day to slow down, savor good food, spend quality time with family or friends, and be grateful.

So how, then, can you eat what you want this Thanksgiving without feeling the dreaded post-food guilt?

  1. Don't restrict prior to Thanksgiving. I can probably guess that for most of you in the past years, either the week leading up to Thanksgiving or the day of there is lots of restricting going on. But as we know, through science and experience, restriction leads to binging. Even on Thanksgiving! And binging oftentimes brings on guilt in our human selves.

  2. Eat what you want. It is only once a year that we eat some of these foods. So enjoy it! Let yourself have the permission to eat what you want.

  3. And then SAVOR it. Eat slowly, being mindful of how the food tastes, just like any other day. Guilt with eating can oftentimes cause us to quit tasting foods and just try to get it down as quick as possible. But truly enjoy what you're eating and notice when the food stops tasting quite as good...that's usually when you're satisfied.

  4. Lastly, remember why you're all gathered. Remember what eating means on this day. It's a day to be thankful for where you've been and now where you are. There's always something to be grateful for.

Choose gratefulness, not guilt this Thanksgiving.

So my dear friends, choose gratefulness instead of guilt this Thanksgiving. Don't let fear of food keep you from treasuring time together with those you love. Your mind only has capacity for so much...fill it with positive thoughts this holiday.

Let's chat!

What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?Where have you been with feeling guilty at past Thanksgivings?What's one thing you're going to do differently this Thanksgiving to fight guilt?


What We Ate for Thanksgiving


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