Daily Eats + A Reminder That Serving Sizes Are Suggestions

Hello! I'm excited to be sharing another "daily eats" post with you today. I have a lot of fun with these posts. I know that I, personally, love reading other people's "daily eats" and always feel inspired to try new things, so I hope that's what these are for you as well!Like I mentioned in this "daily eats" post, my appetite has been crazy lately with being pregnant (and finally in the second trimester) as well as still breastfeeding my 7-month-old. Last week I felt all over the place, but this week I'm feeling like I've got a better grasp of how to honor my hunger in this time. That being said, I'm eating way over the "serving size suggestion" for everything and it got me thinking that it may be helpful for you to have the reminder that serving sizes are just that...suggestions!I remember thinking serving sizes on the back of cereal and ice cream, etc were the hard-fast rule for how much I should be eating. Anything over the serving size was "too much".Can you relate?I obsessed over counting out almonds because "x" number of almonds was a serving size (I've thankfully forgotten all of the exact amounts).But think about this with me...if we have the belief that we can honor our hunger and we're hungry after having the serving size amount, what does this mean? It means that you're still hungry, your body needs more, and the serving size doesn't really matter.In all reality, serving sizes are simply just suggestions. They're also a way for companies to put accurate information on the nutrition label because it gives a standard amount. But it does not mean that that's all that you can have. I hope this reminder helps. Honoring your hunger trumps any serving size suggestion, any day.Ok, onto daily eats!Today I woke up really hungry! Paul and I were up for over an hour (from 4 am-5:30ish) with Graham. We're going through the lovely 7 month sleep regression right now...pray for us! I ended up getting to sleep from around 5:30-7, but when I finally got up the hunger hit!I made myself two fried eggs and two slices of this new pumpkin loaf from Trader Joes and topped it with peanut butter. I also had some strawberries and blackberries on the side. For anyone who enjoys Trader Joes' fall items, this pumpkin bread was really good! It's not like the cakey pumpkin bread that's also really popular...it's more like a cinnamon bread with pumpkin.After this I wasn't exactly hungry but still had the feeling of not being satisfied. So I had a yogurt and that helped me feel ready for the day.  I did a Barre3 online workout this morning, one that was more cardio-intense and it was so hard but so good. I sweated a lot which I don't always do. I don't always start my day with movement, but on days I do I feel so good! After exercising, Graham woke up from his nap and we ran a few errands. I was, at this point, really glad that I'd eaten a little extra for breakfast because it was still holding me all morning. We got home and I made both Graham and myself some lunch. While meal planning this week, I thought that salad kits and cooked, frozen chicken sounded both delicious and super easy. I got one from Trader Joes that I loved the last time I had it, a Buffalo Ranch & Blue Cheese Salad and made this plus added some breaded chicken on top. So delicious! And I really liked the change from grilled chicken to breaded chicken. Just a way to add some fun and satisfaction to this salad! I also had some apple...I know that, for me, having something sweet at the end of a meal always makes it feel more complete. Oh, and also this Black Cherry + Coffee seltzer by Aha. Don't hate it till you try it...it's so surprisingly good! And I like that it has just a little bit of caffeine in it, well under the recommended amount for pregnancy. After lunch, Graham went down for a nap and this is usually my time to get some work done. I checked in on my gals inside The Nourish Lab, did some writing and interacting on Instagram.Graham woke up and "we" picked up the house a little. Then, around 4 o'clock I was getting hungry again and a bowl of cereal sounded really good! I got some "Pumpkin O's" from Trader Joes (their pumpkin version of Cheerios) and had a bowl with some milk and 1/2 a sliced banana. Graham wanted a snack too so I gave him some puffs and the other half of my banana.For dinner, I made an old college favorite...Two-Bean Tamale Pie. I had the recipe in a recipe book and pulled it out for old time's sake. It's super easy and a cost-effective dinner. I found the recipe here. I added some plain greek yogurt (we always have that on hand but never have sour cream--but it works!) and some taco sauce.  After dinner, I had a coaching session with one of my 1:1 clients (PS: October is the last month I'm taking 1:1 clients until July of 2021 due to our baby coming in April, so if working with a coach is something you've thought about, I'd love to talk more about how we can work together!). I've been loving my evening coaching sessions. I usually try and get cozy with a candle and a blanket (and encourage my clients to do the same) and we work through whatever it is they want to talk about and work on with food and/or body image. I always get done with coaching sessions feeling so refreshed and just excited for my clients and all that they're doing! One thing my client last night said is how amazing it is just to say things out loud. Yes, right!? So often the answer to things we're struggling with is right there within us, but it can take some exploring and talking to find the answer. This is why I love coaching so much! It is so incredibly effective because it comes from you! After our session I got in pj's and had some vanilla oatmilk ice cream with chocolate chips as a bedtime snack. Most nights I've found having this snack before bed helps me sleep better and also not wake up so starving.Hope you enjoyed another daily eats post! If you like these posts, here are my other "Daily Eats".


What to Do If Nothing You Have To Eat Sounds Good


First Trimester Body Image (w/ Baby #2)